Chapter 52

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My mother smiled at me, her eyes tired and worried, while my dad just stared at the turned off TV,like he was trying to command it to turn back on. "Sky, we need to talk. Your school called me that you weren't there today. For now, I told them that you were sick and I just forgot to sign you off, but first of all, I never want that to happen again and second you telling me what is wrong. I know you had a reason to skip, you've been more or less trying to survive the past days, so I wasn't all too worried.", the blonde woman was looking back and forth between me and my dad who seemed rather passive.

"Well, Claire and I... we...we're having a fight at the moment.", I thought stating that as the reason would be hard, but to be honest, just thinking about her made me feel uneasy again. For the first time, my dad looked at me,surprised and confused. "What do you mean? You guys never fight.",he leaned back, eying me closely. It felt as if he was trying to look past that half-lie, trying to search for other possible reasons on my face and gestures, which consisted of spinning my phone inside my palm.

"Oh, my poor baby, I know how that feels, but that doesn't make it okay for you to skip classes.",my mother rubbed over my leg, a mixture of understanding and consequence hardening her tired features. "I don't know what to do.", I admitted, exhaling deeply. My father was still looking at me, before finally saying something. "Maybe that's not even that bad, I mean your life is literally centered around her, how will you ever have the chance to find a girl or other friends.", he smiled at me, satisfied with his contribution to this talk.

The urge to tell him about my boyfriend was so strong that I almost succumbed to the thought of coming clear, or out, in this case. I looked my dad in the face,fighting with myself over whether or not this is the right time. My heart was pounding inside my chest as my thoughts kept skipping from one option to another. "You're probably right.", it's not the perfect time to tell them, I want Nathan to be there as well, to hold my hand and give it light squeezes whenever I'd struggle with a word. That's how I want things to be, not like this.

"Don't listen to what your dad is babbling on about, you don't need a girlfriend anytime soon,you're still so young.", she tried her attempt at a pouting face,pinching my cheek how old people would do it. I can't help but smile a little, not only because of my weird family but also because of actually everything. So much is happening at the moment, good and bad, but through it all I found something pretty awesome. And that would be the cute guy living seven houses down the street.

"I won't.", I could feel my phone vibrate in the sweaty mess of my palms, forcing myself not to look at the cause of the notification. "Anyway, if there is anything you want to talk about, you we are there for you.", my mother smiled at me, ruffling through my hair, like she always does. Or Nathan. Or Alex. Or... Claire. Suddenly my mothers expression changed and her gazed dropped to my neck. Without realization, I slapped my hand over the hickey that must have started to glance through the makeup.

I didn't look at my parents as I got up and left the living room. I can't have them find out about the cause of it. Alex, was waiting in the kitchen, pretending to be concentrated on the dishes she was washing, glancing at me as I rushed passed her. Maybe I could ask her if she knows what to do about it, she is a girl, so she might know.

Closing the door behind me, I walk over to my bed, letting myself fall on the soft mattress and burying my face into the cold blanket. Why did I run away like that,now they're even more suspicious. I looked at my phone, which I was still holding in my hands, smiling at the message I got from Nathan.

So, how was it? Do you want me to come over and explain or is everything okay?

Sighing, I type in an answer.

At first things were pretty smooth, but right when I was about to head back upstairs, my mother noticed the hickey I tried to cover with concealer. After that I just escaped like a wounded deer haha.

That really was stupid of me! I could have just said it's a mosquito bite or an allergy, but now,what am I supposed to tell them after running away? My phone vibrates again.

Good job and sorry for choosing such a visible spot, I didn't want you to get in trouble or anything.

He's even apologizing, that's so sweet. Before I could answer him, I noticed movements out of the corner of my eye, flinching as I saw my mother standing there, a worried look on her face. "Sky, why did you run away and what is that on your neck?", she came closer sitting down next to me and making the mattress dip down a little. "It's nothing, I just forgot about some... things I had to do.", I'm horrible at lying,always was.

"I'm your mother, I know that you're lying and that there's more on your mind than just Claire. You two started to live two lifes, which is good, but there must be something else. I will never judge you, you know that right?", she smiles, her hand rested on my shoulder, as if she's waiting for a direct answer, but instead she gets up and heads for the door. She's right, she'll never judge me for the person I am, or the person I'm in love with.

"Mom, wait.", she turned around, her head tilted in surprise. "There is someone I want you and dad to meet, can they come over for dinner tomorrow, or something?", her eyes widen, shock, surprise, confusion, happiness,joy, all of these emotions rushed through her features in a blink of an eye. "Sure, anything specific I should cook?", the blonde woman seemed overjoyed, not only that I had finally talked to her about it, but also because of a new person in my life. She knew how big of deal that is for me.

"Anything is fine.", I returned the smile, giving my phone a little squeeze. "Awesome,I'll tell your dad. You have a good night and remember that we all love you, no matter what.", walking back over to me and placing alight kiss on my forehead, she left. And for some strange reason, I felt good.

Say, would you mind coming over for dinner tomorrow? I want to introduce my boyfriend to my parents.

His response didn't take long,it never does during the evening.

Don't tell! Did you talk with them about it? And sure, I'd love to meet my boyfriends parents. -heart emoji-

I explained the situation, my fingers still trembling slightly as I tipped. We texted back and forth until late at night, both of us deciding to go to bed.

That night, I slept like a baby,not even the fear of loosing Claire crossed my mind, I knew for a fact that things would get better soon. If you believe and trust in the right people, there is nothing that can not be conquered together. Well, there is one thing, and that's transportation through mind-power, because I'd really want Nathan to cuddle with me right now.

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