Chapter 27

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A lot people were cramped up inside the big and open room, the heavy bass got stronger as we stood in the middle of the crowd. "I'm not sure about this, I mean...", I struggled to find the correct words, not only because of the alcohol, but also because everyone around me. Nathan flashed a smile, before pulling me closer by my waist. Eyes widened, I look at him, a blush spreading over my cheeks. "We can dance however we want."

With that, he placed my hands on each side of his hips, so are his, slowly we started to sway around. I rested my head against his shoulder, letting him take the lead. My heart was beating way too fast, pounding inside my chest.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a few people staring at us, as they stopped dancing. "Nathan...uhm... this is embarrassing.", I could feel him shrug at my statement, turning around and making me follow suit. I tried to hidemy face in his shoulder, wanting to escape all the weird looks from everyone around us. Weird... My body was trembling in his arms, like I didn't have enough energy to even stand.

Suddenly, the heavy bass disappeared and Nathan stopped moving. I glanced at the people around us, seeing all of them dance just like we did. Couples all moving in the same rhythm, hugging tightly as they swayed around. I look at the boy in front of me, receiving a wide smile. "See, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.", he gently placed his hand at my cheek, his green eyes shining like they did before.

He's not going to... is he? Right when we wanted to lean toward me, a couple bumped into us. Nathan apologized to them for standing around, before leading me closer to the edge of the room. He didn't try to kiss me after that, we just danced, stopping as soon as everyone else did.

I wasn't sure if I should ask him about before. About why he kissed me and about this weird feeling inside me. We just stood there looking at each other. Why am I like this whenever he's around?

"Nathan, I-", all of the sudden, a blonde girl, aka Claire, jumped on my back, a strong smell of alcohol following her. "Whatcha talking about?" She struggled to even stand up straight, laughing at my puzzled look. "Nothing much. Aren't you a little drunk?", I put an arm around her to steady her. "Nope, I'm fine, but you guys might have to findanother way home... I'll be staying here over night.", she winked at me, ruffling through my hair. I turn to look at Nathan, who just shrugged. "But how are we supposed to get home?", I rubbed the palms of my hand together.

In this moment, Mika suddenly appeared next to me, grinning like he did before. "Hey, I see you're doing better." Nathan looked down at the way shorter boy, almost staring him down, an undefined glint in his eyes. "Yeah, I think I'm better now.", I glance at the black haired boy for only a few seconds, focusing back to Mika, who must have caught me looking. He smiled. "So, a lot people are starting to head home, what are you doing?"

Claire leaned closer to the gray haired boy, her eyes squeezed together. "I've never seen you before and I know every girl at our school." Mika, laughed, before explaining the misunderstanding. "So, my offer from before is still out. I feel like I'm the only one who's sober." Why is he being so nice to me? I mean, we don't even know each other.

"That would be totally cool, after all, I was the one in charge of them. Well, I think I kinda failed haha.", Claire laughs, patting Mikas shoulder, before leaving us with a quick 'see you later'. "Do you guys want to leave now, or?", he takes out his car keys, wiggling them in his hand. "I think we should go now.", Nathan puts his arm around me, like he was trying to steady me or something.

"Cool, let's go.", Mika grins at me, leading us out of the house towards a silver car. During the whole drive, Nathan kept staring at Mika, asking him questions and what not else. He was behaving very weird and it started to creep me out.

"So, you guys have a nice rest of the night. I hope I'll see you at school sometime.", he smiles while we got out of the car, waving him goodbye as he left our neighborhood. "Are you tired?", Nathan flashes a smile, but this weird glint in his eyes remained. "It's not that I'm tired, but I feel dizzy.", I exhale, turning towards my house, then back to him.

"If you want, you can come over to my place over night?", his look was gentle as he came a step closer. He doesn't... this is... I'm scared and confused, about how I should answer him, this is going into a strange and scary direction. "But nothing... you know...", I felt dizzy, stumbling one step forward into his open arms. Blushing at the sudden embrace."Oh, I'm sorry-", just as I wanted to pull away from him, his grip tightens a little, motioning me to stay where I am.


thank you guys so much for 500 reads! I still can't even belevi it! Please leave a vote or a comment, give me some advice or just write about your favourite or least favourite character, I'd love to have a chat with you in the comment section (or int the PM section). Feel free to write me, I won't bite haha!

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