Chapter 3

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The bus soon comes to a more gentle stop in front of my school. The few people that were on got out, including that black haired jerk. He doesn't look at me or anything, he just takes off in a weird fast pace (even though he's just walking normally). I would really like to know his name... Wait... what?! What am I thinking, that guy's a total asshole, why would I want to know his name?

I sigh, scratching the back of my head lightly. I shoulder my bag and make my way to Claire. As soon as she sees me, her face lights up and she comes running towards me, her long blond hair flying behind her. Some people actually consider us as twins, since we have the exact same hair and eye color, but she's not deaf of course.

"Sky! I told you not to be late, where were you?", she looks up to me, her blue eyes sparkling like water, as she gives me the "you-better-have-an-explanation-and-it-better-be-a-really-good-one" glare.

Her eyebrows are raised and her arms crossed. That's basically how it goes every day, we both have different thoughts of being on time. Claire is always early, always prepared and perfect at everything she does, but then there's me on the other hand. Ha ha ha I'm really nothing like her (to my disappointment).

"I'm sorry, well actually I'm not because my bus arrived just now and I'm totally on time." She sighs extra heavy, so even I would recognize it.

"Fine, suit yourself. Anyway, whats that on your face? You hit a wall again?", she smirks, as she points at me, her nose crinkled in amusement.

"No, and what do you mean by 'again'? The last time was totally years ago. I hit my head when the bus suddenly had to go from 100 to zero.", I frown at the shorter girl as she roughly traced it with her fingers.

"That hurts you know.", I mutter.

"Well, about what I wanted to tell you. You probably know the captain of the soccer team, right? Dillon Fay!", I nod,

"He asked me out yesterday! Isn't that awesome!?" Claire starts to jump up and down, probably squealing like a fangirl.

"It is. Congrats, but why didn't you tell me earlier? Like right away?", I ask, being slightly irritated.

"How much fun would it have been to text you this? Exactly! Lame! I wanted to tell you in person and, cough cough, I wanted to see your face, when you found out that my crush finally asked me out!", Claire pulls her eyebrows together and leans forward, she's thinking about something.

Oh yeah, that reminds me, should I tell her about this weird guy at the bus stop? Maybe its better if I keep it to myself, who knows what she might do to him.

"Whats wrong? You seem kinda off today. Did something happen?", I don't think it makes much sense to lie to her, she would look through it anyway.

"Well, there was this new kid at the bus stop today and uhm he tried to ask me something but he was just talking very fast. So I didn't get everything and probably gave him the wrong answers and stuff, but its no big deal. I guess it just irritated me a little.", I scratch the back of my head and try to force myself to laugh.

"Didn't you tell him you were deaf?", Claire tilts her head to the left side looking at me in a surprised way as I denied. "Why not?"

I just shrug and look at my watch, there are still a few more minuets before first period starts.

"Can you describe him, so I can beat the hell out of that guy!", anger flashes over her blue eyes and make them glow (That's exactly what I meant earlier).

"There is really no need for that It's part my fault, how should he have known I couldn't hear.", I say holding my hands up in defends.

"Well, what ever, tell me if he's bugging you again, I'll beat the living-"

"It's ok, really!", I interrupt her, laughing at the child like face she gave me.

"Okay then. Let's just go, before I change my mind.", she grabs her white bag and throws it over her shoulder before starting to head to the front of the school.

I follow her, keeping an eye around, just in case. As we enter the school building a lot of students look at us or even greet me. After my accident, it took me quite a long time to build up the courage to go back to class, but soon after I joined my old class, word got around pretty quick and soon after the whole school knew about it.

At first I thought people are gonna hate me now, but that really wasn't the case, everyone started to be nice, greet me in the morning, talk to me during break, ask to sit next to me in class. The bad thing is, that I'm totally anti-social, I hate talking to people I don't know or even hardly know. And I hate being touched (I don't mind when it's Claire or my family)

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