Chapter 8

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The door to my room opens and my mom's head pops in, smiling and waving. "I'll be down in a second.", I assure her, before picking up the last few water bottles that were laying on the floor and throwing them in the overflowing trash can. Maybe I should take it down with me...

I leave my room (without the trash) and head downstairs from where a delicious smell comes from. My sister puts the warmed up leftovers from yesterdays dinner on three plates, placing them on the dining table. Mom had already taken a seat, reading through her paperwork as she started poking around on her plate, not looking what she's doing. Her blond hair looks whiter than usually and her eyes seem tired. To be honest, she looks older than she is.

"Leave her alone, she has a lot to do.", my sister pulls her eyebrows up, taking a seat next to me."I won't."

The atmosphere at the table was pretty bad, nobody said anything and my mother didn't put her work down for even a second, most of the food was still on her plate when she left us to go work in her office. I left the kitchen soon after, heading back upstairs to debate with myself on whether I should take out the trash or not.

My watch vibrates, it's a number I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't read it right a way, I mean, wouldn't that be weird? Okay, I have honestly no idea what I'm worrying about. I take my phone from the blue blanket that I had nicely fold before and sit on the chair next to my desk.

Hey Skylar, sorry, I'm probably bothering you or something... Anyway, it took me quite awhile to get your number, apparently not many people have it, which is actually weird, I thought everyone at school has it. Well, whatever, I wanted to meet you. I mean outside of school. If that's okay with you. I really don't want to bother you but it seems like you caught my attention... Sorry that must have sounded really weird. Well you have my number now, so, whenever you feel up to it you can hit me up. Nathan -smirking emoji-

My hands are shaking, eyes widened and heart beating faster than it should. What does he mean with me feeling up to it? It's not like I'm sick or weak! And what about this whole attention thing? Is he trying to trick me? Or is he playing with me?

I throw my phone on the bed across the room, hoping it won't fall or hit the wall. I'm so confused right now. I shouldn't answer him, I shouldn't have contact with him.

Nathan...this isn't something I'd usually think about. What is wrong with me?

The chair starts to turn, slowly at first, but I keep pushing it around. Maybe it will throw out my weird thoughts. Wait...Where did he get my number from?! (Yup, the thoughts are totally gone) It must have been Claire, but than again, where did he get her number? That's probably what he meant with taking a while. So he went through so much work just to get it? My watch vibrates again, at least its a familiar contact.

Heiii baby bro, sorry that I ran off today, I swear it won't happen again, I know how much you hate riding the bus without me, since I stayed to watch Dillon train. He's soooo hot! Alomst as hot as your new friend! Anyway, how did that work out? He asked me for your number!! Did he already write you?? You need to tell me what and when he wrote! That's an order!(Just so you know). Okay I have to go for now my dad wants to eat lunch with me, how annoying! Well, whatever, can't be helped, right? I love you so much, don't ever forget that, my cutie twin.

What's up with all these people being so deep in my business? This really annoys me!

Hey, uhm he didn't write me yet but I'll keep you updated. What happened between you and your dad, why don't you want to eat lunch with him? You need to start spending more time with him, talk thing out, you know? I'll talk to you later, love you too.

I might just understand Dillon a  little, looking back at what we write each other. And now.. don't judge just because I didn't tell her truth, I just don't want her to think anything weird again. It's not like... like... I have no idea.

I stop spinning the chair since I feel kinda sick. Maybe I should write him back, I really don't like being rude to others. A little message won't hurt, right? Just don't put too much thoughts into it. I grab my phone and let myself fall on the soft mattress.

Oh hey  no that sounds weird Hey sub?  Hell no! Hey how are you?  Should I really ask? Hey, oh don't worry you weren't bothering at all! Why do you want to meet, I mean, don't we see each other at school and stuff? Or we can just text each other... sorry... I didn't want to sound like an asshole back in the music room. I have no idea what had gone though my head today. Anyway, let's just forget what happened today, okay?

I hope he won't be disappointed or anything. I read through the message a few times, just to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. Does it sound ok? Or is it too... Click....Send. Well, I guess there is no turning back now. I look at his message again,read a few times. He probably didn't put that much thought into itand he's probably an expert in writing stuff like this and making it sound cool...


OMG I AM SO SORRY!!! There is really no excuse for this huge time gap and I'm so terribly sorry! Please don't kill me! I'll update tomorrow, pinky promise?

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