Chapter 36

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"And you think I can figure it out by forgetting about it?", I don't understand him, even though I'm the one that's confused. "That's not what I meant, Sky. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable when being around me.", he sighed heavily, taking his cup in two hands. "I don't feel uncomfortable, I actually like being with you, but I'm so afraid of hurting you.", my cheeks started to burn, not sure if they're red or not.

"So that's why you're so deep in thoughts all the time?", he lowered the cup a little, still in his grip though. I slowly nod, watching a wide smile creep on his face, automatically lighting in up. "And here I thought you don't like me around you!", he laughed slightly, "Please don't think like that, okay? You have all the time you need to sort things out with yourself just don't worry about me.", this time he dares to touch me, gently rubbing my cheek with his, from the cup, hot hand, smiling at me with that weird glint in his eyes.

"But what if I can't return your feelings? I really don't want you to be hurt because of me and my stupidity.", I received a light laughter and a squeeze in my cheek. "I told you not to worry about it, I'll make you fall for me either way.", he seemed pretty confident in himself, considering the circumstances we were in. This is not just a regular romance between a guy and a girl. In our case, things are a little different, but he didn't seem to be bothered about that fact.

Without saying anything else, we go back to an actual comfortable silence, as we drank our beverages and occasionally smiled at each other. But I really don't understand him sometimes, how can he be so confident in himself? I mean, how is he even sure that I'll fall for him anyway? Maybe he can already tell?

I decided to drop that subject for at lest a few minutes, watching Nathan as he emptied his cup and licked over his upper lip to remove the little bit of froth that was still sticking there. "Do you want to head out? It even stopped raining.", he pointed outside the big glass windows, showing that his statement was correct. "Sure."

After a discussion on who should pay, which he won, we exited the little Café and made our way back home. This time there was no umbrella in our way, making my gaze drop down to his hand multiple times. We weren't walking as close as before, but it was still quite reachable. I wasn't really sure aboutit, I mean, I can't just take his hand, now can I? That would be kind of weird, also, we're in public so-

Before I could think about it any further, he suddenly snatched my hand, squeezing it lightly as our fingers intertwined. Comfortable tingles creep under my skin and I look at him in surprise, not in discomfort though. It felt good holding his warm and soft hand, compared to my cold and sweaty one. I blush slightly, watching the cars that passed us to keep my mind distracted from what was actually going on.

The walk over to our houses was way too short for my liking, I wanted to hold onto his hand for a little longer. "It was nice going out with you and I'm glad we got a few things out of the way.", his grip hasn't disappeared yet, we were still holding onto each other. "Yeah.", I feel stupid for not being able to say anything else, but I'm just to hypnotized by his eyes. Once again.

He smiles, before slowly closing the space between us, his lips getting closer to mine. For a split second I'm doubting my actions, not sure if I should really return his kiss or not. I'm still not sure about my feelings, after all, my heart beating with twice the speed it actually should. But he never leaves me any time to react because his lips already touched mine, gentle and careful, just like the first time.

I can't deny that his lips feel good and I can't deny that I like it, but I can't just tell him that. I clench the soft material of the shirt he was wearing, eyes closed and lips moving in the same rhythm as his. This moment probably only lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like hours. Hours of warmth, comfort and this weird feeling I still haven't figured out. It was great and frankly, I didn't even want it to end.

We looked at each other after we have parted, idiotic grins on our lips that have touched only mere seconds before. "You're so cute.", with that he draws me closer for a hug, his arms wrapping completely around me. "I don't think that's a compliment, considering I'm guy.", I mumbled into his shoulder, but still returning the hug by putting my arms around him as well.

"I'll miss you, but I have to go out with my mom and her cousin tonight.", he said after we have parted once again, this time an almost melancholic look on his face. "You'll manage, I mean, you can write me whenever, okay?", I smile at him, the blush probably spreading as I speak. "Awesome, I sure will! See you tomorrow.", with a gentle kiss on my forehead he leaves me in front of my door, an empty feeling slowly spreading out inside of me.He turned around one last time, winking at me.

Maybe I do lo-

The door gets violently pulled open, showing my sister and Claire, both of them staring at me with huge grins on their faces. "No frickin way! You guys are literally perfect for each other!", the blonde girl pulls me inside the house, closing the door behind her. "You never told me you guys were already going out.", she continued, waiting for me to take my shoes off and tell her everything she wants to hear.

"We're not going out and what even are you doing here?", I asked her, switching back and forth between Claire and Alex. "I invited myself over for a sleepover, since you don't have anything planned for tomorrow.", she winked at me, my sister standing next to her. "I actually do, thank you very much.", I push myself through those two, making my way upstairs, knowing that they will be following me.

As I enter my room, I am greeted by Claire's stuff just tossed across the floor and over my bed. Sighing, I turned around to see the two girls laughing as they came in after me. "So, since when are you so close to Nathan? I mean, you guys were totally making out right in front of the door.", Alex sat down on my bed, Claire taking a seat next to her, both eying me in anticipation.

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