Chapter 51

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It didn't take long for me to start heading home, leaving him behind with mixed feelings inside my stomach. I was still a little troubled after rejecting him, not sure if that was okay for me to do or not. Shoeless and deep in thoughts I opened the door, sighing as I saw Alex's shoes at the entrance. I was hoping she'd be at a friends place or something, since I have to find a way to cover up that huge red spot on my neck.

I wasn't sure where she was, but I tried to dodge her, making my way to the bathroom upstairs and locking the door behind me. I've seen this in movies before, they always cover it up with concealer and I'm sure either my mom or Alex have something like that. Searching through their makeup articles, reading every etiquette until I finally found something that had concealer palette written on it. The whole thing contained multiple shades of beige, brown and even green and pink, which I didn't quite understand but oh well.

Opening the palette, I dipped my finger into the color that seemed closest to my skin tone, applying some of it on the red spot on my neck. Touching it kinda hurt, a tingling sensation running through the area around it. A good job he did there.

After a few layers of this sticky gel-like mass, I had successfully covered it up, although it was still a little visible, it was better than without. My eyes meet with my reflection, taking in my appearance displayed on the shiny surface. So much has changed in such a short term and I've never been too fond about changes. They can be so scary, but this one? I'm in a relationship! A fricking relationship! With a guy. I steady myself on the sink, leaning closer to my mirrored self.

I still don't understand this whole love thing, or a relationship thing. Why did Nathan choose me? Why me out of all the other people he could have started a relationship with? He's so much more than me, beautiful, smart, kind, trustworthy. Trust... I trust him so much just from being with him. It's been so long since I was really afraid of someone or something and I guess that kind of change is good. It's what I wished for.

I want to touch you...His words echoed through my mind, the guilt slowly creeping in again, maybe I shoudn't have chickened out, but on the other hand, we've only known each other for three weeks or something like that and now we're actually together. Things are moving way faster than they should. I remembered saying that he's different, guess that was true, he is more than different. Nathan is all I could have ever asked for, or even deserved.

Zoning out as I stared at the blue in my eyes, I didn't realize how long I've been just standing there. I quickly wash my hands, getting the concealer, or what ever it's called, off of them, before exiting the bathroom and quickly rushing over to my room. Although I haven't thought about it until then, the realization of what I did today struck me. I didn't stay at school, in other words I never actually attended any of the classes I had today.

My heart jumped for a second, the school must have called my mother then and if that's the case, I'm in some serious trouble right now. My mother would never let me skip classes, neither would my dad, since they're both pretty strict about the topic school in general. Pacing through my room, I didn't even notice my sister entering, waiting at the door for me to see her. And I sure did, with a heart attack and everything. "What's up?", I tried to be casual, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I looked at the brunette girl.

"I just wanted to warn youbefore mom and dad come home, they're going to have a talk with youabout what's going on with you the past few days. So you eitherthink of something good real quick or you'll come clean about thewhole Nathan-thing.", she smiled, a worried expression displayed onher face. Shit, they are? "Alex, please help me, I don't want totell them about us.", I pinched the bridge of my nose, rubbing overit afterward.

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