Chapter 44

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My watch vibrated, much to my surprise. Nathan, didn't he say he couldn't reply?

Sounds rough! Tell the evil woman I said hey. We're taking a break at the moment. God, I'm so exhausted -laughing emoji- it's been a while since I last played, so I'm not all that used to it anymore. Where are you going to eat?

I had almost forgotten about that funny nickname he had chosen for Claire.

I have honestly no idea! Apparently my parents talked about it during dinner but I must have been too deep in thoughts to even notice. Where are you by the way?

I never knew we had an Ice Hockey team near us, since we're more the soccer region. It didn't take long for his answer to make my watch vibrate once again.

Haha, were you thinking about me?-winking emoji- I'm at my old home towns arena, since I'm still part of the team here. I might have to take you with me the next time I come here, my friends are dying to meet you, not that I told them anything about you.-laughing emoji-

His friends know about me? In a good or a bad way? I hope he- my watch vibrates again.

Don't worry, I didn't tell them about the things you have told me, your secrets are safe with me. Actually, I haven't even told them anything about you, they just assumed that there was someone on my mind. Best friends, I guess.

So his team consist of his friends? That has to be so nice.

I see, that's funny. My sister thought so too, but of course she assumed it to be a girl. Do your friends know that you're gay?

I don't know if it's okay for me to ask, but I guess it's already too late. The engine stopped as we parked in front of a small restaurant, I remembered it from a few years ago. My watch vibrates, as I stepped out of the car, turning to see Claire and her mother driving into the parking lot after us. I quickly checked it, trying to be casual about it.

You and your sister seem very close, that's sweet. I always wanted a little brother, but I got stuck with being an only child and a very very annoying older cousin. Yup, my friends know about it, one of them is my ex, not too fond about that, but we're getting along.


Claire got out of the car, a huge smile plastered on her face as she approached me. "Hey baby bro, how are you doing?", we hugged before I had the chance to answer. "I'm fine and you?", trying to smile a little, which was easier said than done. The thought of Nathan being near his ex made me feel kinda uneasy. I know that we're not together or anything, but what if he finds an interest in him again? I don't know what I would do in a case like that to be honest.

"I'm fine too. Happy that my mother's back for at least a few weeks, before she goes back to where ever.", we both never actually understood what her mother is doing for a living, for all she does is travel around the world and occasionally come back home to visit her daughter. I watched the blonde woman approach us, sunglasses shielding her eyes from the intense sunlight.

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