Chapter 67

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I wake up to bright light,noticeable even through closed eyes. My whole body is wrapped into something warm, soft and strong and giving my slow brain a few seconds, I recognize Nathans arms holding my back close to his chest,one of his hands rested on my stomach. I smile, opening my eyes I try to turn around in his arms not wanting to wake him up. After a few minutes of slowly maneuvering myself around I was finally able to look at his face and I have to say, it is more than worth it. This reminds me off the time in the infirmary when I first fainted, he fell asleep on the bed with his cheeks all puffy and squishy I know he's cute all the time, but when he's sleeping he's simply adorable. I pet his silky messy hair, running my fingers through it which earned me another gentle purr I could feel underneath my fingertips.

Suddenly his eyes open and he looks at me with a look of pure amusement and humor. "Good morning baby, how did you sleep?", he ruffles through his hair, yawningly. "Pretty good and you?", I return the question, sneaking kiss on his lips before sitting up straight. "Like a baby, thanks to the one I got to cuddle with.", he winks, turning on his back,the blanket already pushed half way down his body. The scar on his lower stomach is visible again and I remember I wanted to ask about it for quite a long time now. "Say, where did this come from?", I trace over the long thin line, noticing him tremble from this touch."Uhm...", for the first time I see Nathan unsure, scared even. I don't want to force him maybe it's something very personal. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-", he interrupts me before I get the chance to finish what I was about to say. "It's okay, you already shared so much about yourself so you deserve to know.", he takes a deep breath. Nervousness and excitement making me feel a little dizzy as he told me his story.

"You know, the reason my mother and I moved here was because of her ex boyfriend. He tormented both of us and tried to separate her from me and the only reason was his homophobia. One night, he broke into our house even after we moved back into my grandparents house to get away from him, he was really drunk and tried to force my mom to come with him. I stepped in, not knowing that he had a knife in his pocket.", he takes a few deep breathes before continuing his story, "That asshole stabbed me because he wanted my mom away from me, just because I'm gay. Luckily the cut wasn't deep, thanks to the alcohol he didn't have enough strength, but he dragged the blade from here," he points at the top point of the scar, following it's line downwards, "to here. And it hurt like a bitch." He laughs but I can tell he was hurt, even someone like him. "It's okay.", I put my arms around his head,pulling it closer to my chest.

After a few seconds, his shoulders start to tremble and a wet spot spread on the shirt. This is the first time I've ever seen him cry and it was a mixture of relief , fear, pity and anger. But mainly I was grateful he shared this secret with me, even though it must be a heavy burden to carry."Shh, it's okay.", I gently pet his head and back, waiting for the trembling to stop. This must be how Nathan felt all the times he held me in his arms while I cried. After a few minutes in which I silently whispered to him, he stopped crying, looking up at me with red watery eyes and wet cheeks. I give him a reassuring smile, kissing the tip of his nose like he does all the time. "You're a great boyfriend.", the hiccups made it hard for me to read his lips. "So are you and you're a great son.", I wipe away a few tears that are stuck on his cheek. "Thank you Sky."

We spent another half an hour just cuddling, not even talking, just brushing through each other's hair , placing kisses where ever we wanted to and smiling at one another. And it was time well wasted, I enjoyed every second of having him in my arms and being in his. That is until my door gets violently opened and Nathan jolts up in surprise, almost giving me a heart attack. I look at the intruder who turns out to be my mother, tears dripping down her shock filled face. There is this weird feeling that starts to spread inside my stomach as she just stands there, staring at me with an empty expression. "Mom what's wrong? You're scaring me.", I utter, about to get out of the bed to walk over to her. That's when she came back to reality, her eyes adjusting back on me. "Sky, your doctor just called.", heavy nausea makes me want to throw up. I grip Nathans hand that was about to touch my shoulder, squeezing it to death. He looks at me, confusion and fear displayed on his face. There is only one doctor she could mean...



This is it... Baaaaam in your face. #cliffhanger #plottwist. I hope you enjoyed this story, please do leave a comment and a vote since this story will be participating in the wattys.

Maybe I'll even write a sequel -winking emoji-

Love you guys so much and thanks for the support! <3

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