Chapter 34

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"It's nothing, we were just drunk that's all. What happened between you and Dillon, you were pretty drunk yourself?", I ask, hoping she'll change from me to her as the main subject for our conversation. "It was so cute, he really is a great guy! You two totally need to get to know each other better, I bet you would like him right away.", she seemed hyper and happy about the person claiming to love her. No, I don't know if he's cheating for sure, but who knows, I never even liked him anyway.

"I bet so too! Now let's make us some food, I'm starving right here.", I try to act at least a little happy, as we both cook and eat together, but there really was just way too much on my mind and I know Claire noticed. She kept quiet about it though, driving me home after we did our homework and chatted for another hour. It was different than usually, but it was still kinda nice to be with her, since it's been a while.

I waved after her, as her car slowly disappeared behind the houses of my neighborhood, leaving me standing there. With one last glance over to Nathan's place, I make my way inside, greeted by my Dad who just passed through the hallway. "Welcome back. How was your day?", he pets my shoulder, watching as I took my shoes off. "It was fine, how about you?", he was still wearing his suit, probably because he just got home from work.

"It was pretty quiet.", we both walked over to the kitchen, where mom was already preparing dinner for us. I greeted her real quick, before bringing my stuff upstairs to my room which was still fairly clean to my surprise. Alex' head popped up at the door, mouthing a quick hey, disappearing right after. Suddenly my watch vibrates, catching me off guard for a split moment. To my surprise it's a message from Nathan, but come to think of it, he did say he'll write me.

Hey, I hope everything is good between us, but I really don't want you to feel uncomfortable when being around me, so please tell me when you need space. I know all of this might be awkward, things turned out a little different than Ihad intended but oh well, right. I sure hope you're still up for our date on Friday.

He's really worried about what I might think of him now, that's kinda sweet, but he kinda sounds like me to be honest. So much insecurity. Maybe we aren't all that different to begin with.

Hey, please don't think about it too much, you're worrying about nothing. What you did was good, I don't know what I would have done without you. That girl. She used to stalk me. Like every hour of the day until Claire had a talk with her, that's when she finally stopped following and texting me. So there is really no need for you to freak out, everything is fine.

I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to tell him about her and my past, since I didn't want him to hurt her for real or anything. Who knows what he's capable of doing. Damn it, I sound like the first days after I had met him. I already know that he won't do anything. To me that is. But what about others?

Seriously? What a bitch, I swear to god, if she comes near you one more time, I'll kill her.

A shiver went down my spine, leaving me freezing for a second. I know he doesn't mean it literally, but it's still kind of scary.

I tossed my phone next to me, inhaling deeply. All of this, it's getting too much lately. And now the thing with my ex-stalker? I don't know if I can take it. Everything used to be so quiet before I met Nathan, well, it's not like I regret ever meeting him.

The next few days went by in a blur, nothing much happened, except for the times Mika joined us during lunch break, since Nathan and I tended to leave Claire and her friends and do our own thing. Sometimes I think of it as scary, how often I'm without her, but I guess it's the best for the both of us.

Nathan insisted on going to the Café with me, even though it wasn't meant as an apology. That's for sure! On the other side, I was really happy, being able to spend time with him and just hang out. Over the course of the week I glued closer to him, no idea if he's okay with that or not. I really don't want to be a burden or hindrance for him. And yet, I still don't understand the things I'm feeling, all of this confusion going on inside my brain. And heart.

I look out of the window, big drops of rain running down the glass, denying a clear view out into the neighborhood. It's been quite a while since it last rained, but the garden really needed it. Although it was pouring down, the temperature never actually subsided. It was still hot, making the water itself warm as well.

A short vibration around my wrist threw me out of my thoughts and my gaze dropped down towards the black watch. Nathan, telling me to come outside. I hope we're not walking, I wasn't intending to get wet. I grabbed my phone and wallet and went downstairs, hugging my mom goodbye who was sitting in the living room and leaving the house. As I close the door behind me, I see a large black umbrella and two legs sticking out from behind it.

"Hey.", he turned around as soon as he had heard my voice, greeting me with large smile. "Hey, it's good to see you again.", he walked towards me, reaching the umbrella forward so I wouldn't get wet. "It's been only few hours since we last saw each other.", I can't help but grin over to him as we started to head towards downtown only a few minutes away from here.

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