Chapter 61

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"Now, sing for me.", he drags two chairs from across the room, placing them so he had a frontal view of what I was going to play. With yet another sigh, I grab the guitar I always use and sit on the chair. And I have to be honest,I'm actually really nervous to do this in front of Nathan, even though he'd be the last person to laugh at me for making a mistake. The cold metal of the strings feel oddly good against my slightly trembling fingers as I play a few accords, trying to decide which song I should sing. Maybe the one from last time. I start to play,the different notes echoing clearly inside my brain. I could hear every single one of them, like I gained my hearing back or something. After another while, I started singing along, stealing a glance at Nathan every once in a while, who was carefully watching what I was doing. The nervousness subsided after a few seconds and memories came along with this song. From when we talked down here after what had happened at the bus stop. Or from the party, our first kiss drunk in one of the bedrooms at Dillons place. I connect so much more with this song now, it's not only about an end, it's about a beginning as well. Our beginning.

The last few words roll of my tongue with the smoothness of satin as I look back up at Nathan who had a huge smile on his face. "You're voice is so beautiful, just like an angels.", I can't help but grin at his compliment, placing the guitar next to the metal chair. "Thank you.", he gets up from his seat, holding a hand out for me to take. The black haired boy pulls me up on my feet and directly into his arms, wrapping them around me tightly. I bury my face in his shoulder, taking deep breathes of his scent. Just like the first time. After a few seconds he let's go of me to look me in the eyes. "Thank you for trusting me, I know it must have been hard.", I can't even imagine not being as close to him as we are now, no wonder I got used to him this quickly. "Well, it's all thanks to you're determination, I guess.", I scratch the back of my neck gently. He smiles, even as he leans against my lips I could still feel it.

We stayed in there, fooling around, for like another hour before heading back home and over to my place, where my mom spent her lunch break at. For most of the time we were just laying in bed, cuddling, kissing every once in a while and talking about various things that crossed our minds. It was nice,spending afternoons like this is equivalent with the very definition of happiness and it's always great to spend them with the person I love. Too bad that Nathan had to leave after another few hours of doing nothing because his mother needed him for something, so I was back as the lonely wolf, checking if my sister finally reached home or if she's still strolling around with her friends.

As the unfortunate hour of prom came closer, I started to get more and more anxious about what I was about to attend. Nathan and I will be official if we show up and dance together and I'm viewing this with mixed feelings. Let's face it, haters are every where, even if there is nothing to hate about. People try to find something that could hurt you and that exactly what they do. I'm not really too fond of being hated by people I'll have to spend multiple years with so I'm taking this more careful,but Nathan, I don't think he even cares. Maybe I should start thinking the same way he does, taking other people not as serious as I am right now, instead, do my own thing without worrying too much.

My dad got home from work extra early so he could have another talk with me or whatever, but I was really grateful for that, I could at least get my thoughts off of the whole prom thing for a while. Dad walked in my room and sat down on my chair so he could sit across from me. He's still wearing his suit, tie and everything but he was determined to have a conversation with me, for what ever reason. At first he just asked about my report card and, just like my mom, he was very happy with the results.

"So, how are things between you and Nathan? Everything okay?", oh, so he wants to know how my life is treating me that's actually quite cute. "It's great, it feels good spending time with him.", I smile a little as I think of the black haired dork seven houses down the street. "That's good to hear. Really. I'm so happy that you finally found someone you love and I'm glad it's such a nice person like Nathan. He's a good kid.", my father smiles as well, nodding a few times while loosening the blue tie he was wearing. "He sure is and I'm happy I get to be with him.", again, he nods at my words, thinking for a second before continuing. "But, what about Claire, I haven't heard of her in a while, nor has she been over in the past few days, has she?", of course, my parents don't know about the whole story."We're in what you'd call a fight, I guess. It's my fault though, I haven't been paying her much attention lately.", I admit, feeling bad about the whole thing.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,but I'm pretty sure that you guys will sort it out on your own, I mean, you're basically siblings and a little fight over something like that shouldn't be able to destroy this bond.", he gives me another reassuring smile. "I hope you're right, dad.", I sure hope he is. "Hey, chin up. I get paid to be right.", he laughs,his brown eyes shimmering in the light of the sun that turns my room into a yellowish orange color. "It'll all turn out okay. Anyway,when will you start to get ready and when will Nathan pick you guys up?", he asks, probably trying to change the subject. "I don't know. I'll probably start to get ready in a few minutes and I can imagine Alex already doing her hair or makeup or whatever.", I reply, a small smile on my lips. "Then I won't be bothering you anymore and you get ready.", he softly laughs before starting to head towards the door. "Oh and one last thing. I'm very proud of you Sky.", I smile, mouthing a silent thank you. Having people that love and support you really does feel good, knowing that they'll be there for you when you're in need.

After my dad left, I started to slowly consider getting ready, not quite sure if it wasn't too early yet. But after my sister came to check on me and asking me what shoes she should wear with her dress. Although she wasn't dressed yet, I could still could clearly remember the colors of it. "So, aren't you going to get ready? The earlier you're done the better.", she claps her hands as if she'd get me to start preparing myself. Not really. "Please don't be late, okay? I don't care when you start,but I just want to be the last one to get there.", Alex sighs before giving up on me and heading back over to her own room. Well, I mean she is right, so I might as well go shower now. As I wanted to take off my watch it vibrated, much to my surprise, it was a number I didn't recognize.

Hey Sky, it's Meggie, you probably don't have my number yet. How are you? Just wanted to apologize for today, I hope you're friend isn't mad at us or anything. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd go to prom this year and if yes with who, since things got a little messy between you and Claire.

Wasn't Meggie the girl with the E in math? I'm not sure whether or not I should answer, or what I should answer. I mean, I don't know her, neither does she know me,so why does she want to know with whom I'm going to prom? Maybe Nathan was right when he said they were hitting on me.

Hey, I'm fine and you? yes I'll be there tonight and I'm going with some friends and my sister. Why do you ask?

I mean, she won't just say because I like you, or? Waiting for an answer I start playing with the rubber band of the watch, stretching it a little until it vibrates again.

Fine, too. So you don't have girlfriend at the moment?

Why is she asking so many questions, that's weird. I decide to not reply right away, or ever,and just start getting ready for tonight. I head over to the bathroom, which is much to my surprise unoccupied. Showering,brushing teeth (just to be sure) and doing something with my hair was enough 'getting ready' if you ask me, the only other thing I did was check the hickey that, thank god, wasn't visible anymore. I exit the bathroom heading back over to my room to get dressed. The suit and shirt Nathan and I bought yesterday is hanging in front of my closet on a coat hanger, just waiting for me to get change into it. I reach into the shelf with the jeans, pulling out a pair of black pants which should be fine for prom.

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