Chapter 56

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Amazing cover by NightmarexDaydreamx

Everyone finished their food,some smalltalk going on between my mom and Alex on how cute we are and my dad and Nathan, both of them huge Ice Hockey fans. I guess he just scored big times with him. Now, he'll probably be invited over to watch the games with him, poor him. We helped my mother doing the dishes before heading upstairs to "catch some breath".

"See, I told you everything is going to be okay.", he pecked my lips as we both sat down on my bed, facing each other. "I know, I'm glad I finally told them.",I intertwined our fingers, playing with his thumb a little. "Do you know what your mother said when you were chasing Alex? Your mom said that she had almost forgotten the last time she saw you this happy. She had watery eyes and hugged me saying 'Thank you for making him happy again'.", I couldn't help but burst into tears after he had said that. It's true, I've never really felt happiness, joy, fun quite like this. And I've found something new.

I kissed him while the tears were running down my face.

Nathan slept at my place, for the first time ever. We were cuddled up underneath my blanket, our arms wrapped around each other and pulling us closer together. His finger was playing with my hair, tugging at a few strands, which caused a few shivers running down my spine. I could still smell his intoxicating scent, taking deep breathes of it with my eyes closed. Soon after, I feel asleep, into something warm and comfortable, just like the embrace I was laying in.

I wake up to a warm, soft, yet kinda rough sensation tracing from my lips over my whole face. I didn't really want to open my eyes, but didn't have much of a choice I guess. Looking up at Nathan, who was placing light kisses all over me, grinning as soon as he noticed me being awake. "Good morning.", he smiles at me, his hair looking all messy on top of his head. "Good morning to you too.", I reach up, touching his cheeks, like I couldn't believe this boy was really mine, that I just woke up from his lips touching my skin.

"Your sister made sure we actually get up for school.", he places his hand over mine, leaning back down to kiss me. What a wonderful way to wake up and get started for the day. "We should get ready.", I sit up straight,stretching my arms over my head. "You're right.", he pecks my lips one last time before jumping out of my bed. "I'll come pick you up in half an hour if that's okay for you.", he pushes his hand through his hair, putting on his pants which were placed over the chair at my desk. "Sure, I'll be ready.", I manage to get out from under the warm blanket, walking over to him and throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him.

"Since when are you so kissy?",he smiles, his hands on my hips with a shirt in one of them. "I have no idea what you're talking about.", I grin before releasing him from my grip and walking over to my closet to pick some clothes for today. Nathan, ruffled through my hair and left with a quick peck and a "See you later.". I was already anticipating the moment I could hug him again. Gathering some things to wear, I head over to the bathroom to get ready for today. I put more effort into the way I looked, styling my hair a little and, of course, covering the hockey that started to shine through the cover of makeup.

I didn't even bother to pack a bag for school, since we're not actually doing anything anymore, so might as well, just go without. My phone vibrated and a message appeared on the black device that was sitting on the cramped up blanket on my unmade bed. To my surprise, it was my father. I wonder why he didn't just come up to my room.

Good morning Sky, I hope you slept well. I have a meeting in a few minutes, so I had to leave earlier today. I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. Your mother and I are both happy to finally see you enjoy something,or someone in this case. We could see how good Nathan is for you and we will support you with all your choices.

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