Chapter 58

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Amazing cover by NightmarexDaydreamx

I break the surface soon after,trying, but failing, to glare at Nathan who was still standing outside wile laughing. "You better get your ass in here.", I grin, keeping my body underneath the pleasantly cold water. Nathan simply nods, jumping in and splashing water all over my face."Really?", rubbing my eye slightly, I watch him as he approached me. "Really.", his arms sneak around me, pulling me closer to his chest, only our heads popping up from the surface. "I love you.",his lips brush over mine, stealing multiple tiny kisses, one of his hands tugging at small strands of hair, which caused comfortable shivers to run down my back and into my limbs. He deepens the kiss,tilting my head to where he wants it to be. I apply light pressure on his chest, signaling him to break the kiss, since I was kinda out of breath already.

I look up at him, after we broke the kiss, his eyes seeming to glow in the intense light of the hot sun . "It's adorable how fast you're out of breath, it kinda makes me want to kiss you even more, but waiting a little longer before releasing you.", he smirks, biting the lips, that touched mine only mere seconds ago. "In other words, you want to suffocate me.", I cross my arms over my chest, grinning at his puzzled face. "No, not that much.", he ruffles through my wet hair, pushing it back with one hand. "How come you can hold your breath for so long?".Nathan scratches his neck, as he smirks at me. "I used to be in a swim team.", he explains, gesturing swimming motions with his arms. So that's why he's such a good swimmer.

Nodding, I simply stare at his face, my thoughts slowly drifting off into nothing. Well, not really nothing, more like thoughts about the upcoming days. Prom, summer break, Claire. I never really spend time with other people during break, it was just Claire and I. We would hang out at each others places or go downtown for whatever reason. I know I have Nathan now and I bet we're going to hang out as well, but it's just not the same without her. She's been such a big part of my life, unlike anything else, and I treated her so badly the last few days, or even the last weeks. Fixing it. That's the big problem, I don't knowhow. I never know how to do stuff like that, I'm not the type of person that gets put into a situation of this sort. Nathan. I could just ask him for advice, but I really don't want to drag him into all of this, since he's why it's originally started. I'm not saying that it's his fault, but he's a part of it. Not the fault, I mean the reason. And I don't want to be a burden to him, since I'm still not even sure if it's okay for us to be together, or more like, if it's okay for me to be together with such a wonderful person. Why even did he choose me?

A light tab on my arm snaps me out of my thoughts and I meet with worried green eyes. "Hey, is everything okay?", his hand rests on my shoulder, a warm sensation running through my cooled down body. "Everything is fine.", I lie, forcing a smile and forcing it to not look forced. Which I must have failed. "Do you want to talk about it?", he tilts his head a little, like a puppy or kitten would do so. "It's just the whole thing with Claire and all. I have no idea how to deal with things like this.", exhaling deeply, I close my eyes for a few seconds,knowing that he'll wait with his answer. "Are you sure it's not about me? About us?", I don't know if he had a glint of hurt in his eyes or not, but I always feel awful whenever he talks my thoughts out loud. "A little.", I can't really lie to him, not even to Claire or other people. I'm a really bad lair and literally ever one knows that.

"Well, we can talk about it if you want to.", he seems hesitant as he asks, his features also slightly forced. "Why? Why do you put up with me? You could do so much better than-", he interrupts me by placing his hand over my mouth, almost glaring at me as he does so. "Stop, just stop. If you weren't my boyfriend, I'd punch you dead in the face, you know that?", I look at him wide eyed, it's been so long since I last saw him this angry. Did I make him mad? "I don't care how many times I have to tell you that you are more than enough, that you deserve someone to make you happy and to love you and that I'm so grateful that I'm the one. Or at least I hope I am. But you need to stop thinking the way you do. Just stop it. Drop it. End it. Delete it. Never say it. Never think it. It will only hurt you in the end.",he removes his hand, his facial expression smoothing after he got things off his chest.

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