Chapter 63

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And sure enough, there was somebody who took a seat only a few seconds after Alex left. "So,Sky, I'm not sure if you got my message because you never responded. Anyway, how are you?", it was this Meggie girl, the one that wrote me while I was getting ready. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see your message, my phone kinda sucks these days. I'm fine and you?", I force myself to smile, feeling a little uncomfortable with her just randomly popping up. "I'm good too. Are you alone here?", she asks, twirling a strand of curled dark blonde hair between her fingers as she grins at me. "Uhm, no. Are you?", I was too scared to tell her that it was my boyfriend I'm here with, not if he's not actually around to protect me from her in case she gets mad or anything. "So, do you have a girlfriend or something? Since I've never seen you with anyone except for Claire, but she's with Dillon,isn't she?", why I is she so persistent of finding out if I have girlfriend or not?

"Yes, she's in a relationship with him. And uhm, I don't have a girlfriend.", it's not even a lie , I don't. Nathan is not a girl, therefore I don't have one. "Oh,I would have never guessed since you're such a nice guy.", she places her hand over mine. Only now I realize how stiff and uncomfortable I am with just talking to her. "Uhm, thank you, I guess.", I feel the sweat running from every pore of my body, my gaze hurriedly skipping from my surroundings back to the girl sitting in front of me, trying to find either Nathan or Alex or even Mika."Do you want to dance?", she asks, a little blush forming on her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I don't really like to dance, you know,because of the whole deaf thing.", I just want her to leave me alone, I'm not interested in anything that has something to do with her.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun.",she grabs my hand, trying to pull me towards the packed dance floor."No, please let's just talk or something.", I try to persuade her, leaning myself away from her. "Oh pretty please?", she bends towards me, her cleavage right in front of my face. I'm not going to lie, she's very pretty and the turquoise dress she is wearing match the dark blue in her eyes. "No, come on, let's just sit down.",I almost beg, trying to maintain the fake smile that started to actually hurt. "I can't convince you, can I?", she grins,sitting back down. "I'm afraid not.", I grin back, the muscles in my face starting to tremble. "Well, too bad, then let's just talk.", I nod, praying to whatever god who's listening that I need somebody to safe me from her. "So, uhm, are you here with someone?", I ask, hoping she won't get this the wrong way. "No,unfortunately I'm single and alone here, but you know, there are chances everywhere, wouldn't you agree?", she rests her head on her hands, leaning closer to me. "I guess you're right.", I smile, cursing myself for letting Alex go.

"Say, do you want to do something this summer break? We could go to the pool or something like that.", she asks, her fingers twirling a strand of hair again."Sure, I wouldn't mind.", of course I would, this girl is creeping me out. Why can't Nathan come here and tell her I'm already taken, because I can't. "Awesome, I'm looking forward to it.", she giggles and claps her hands lightly. "So what are you looking for in a girl? What do you prefer?", where did that come from? I clear my throat, shifting in my chair in embarrassment, since I wasn't all that comfortable with talking about something like this with someone I hardly know, or am kinda afraid of. "Uhm, I like people with short black hair and uhm... I really dig green eyes. Maybe the same height as me, but I want them to be kind, nice,protective and funny. And a little dorky, you know?", I just described the person I'm already in a relationship with, seeing him as the type of character I'm attracted to.

"I see, well that's unfortunate, but I won't give up.", she gives me a challenging smirk. "Do you want to know what my ideal boyfriend should be like?", she adds, leaning even closer to me, making the whole reading lips thing quite hard without looking at her boobs. "I like blondes with beautiful blue eyes and I want him to be nice and maybe even shy and more silent, but caring and sympathetic.", I know the description matches me at some points, but I was too perplex at the blunt way she put it. Suddenly, two arms wrap around me from behind pulling me close to a muscular chest. His familiar scent filled my nose and I almost started to cry. Nathan. Thank you so much for saving me. "Oh, is that you're friend?", she asks, leaning a little away from me like we just got caught or something. I didn't know what Nathan said to her, but after the vibrations of his talking stopped and Meggies smile turned upside down and she starts to glare at us, mostly me, with a look of disgust in her eyes. "You're a fagot?! And I wasted my time trying to flirt with you!", she raised her hand, about to hit me but Nathan snatches it before it made contact with my face. He tightens the grip around her wrist, making her fist open from the pressure. I know he was glaring at her,probably even threatening her to stay away from me. A pained expression washed over her face and she pulls her hand out of his grip and turns around with one last look of hatred directed at me.

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