Chapter 20

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It's lunch break now and I've seen Nathan multiple times this day, but he would never look at me even once. Well, who can blame him, after what I said yesterday. Claire hasn't shown up, so I'm assuming she's still sick, but to my surprise, her absence didn't bother me all that much. I crept down the stairs towards the basement to play the guitar again, hoping to find at least a little bit of peace down there. Unfortunately, even there and with my passion of singing, my thoughts never cleared out. HE was constantly there, flashing his smile, like he always does.

I decide to just leave again, after all, there wasn't a productive outcome anyway. Heading up the stairs, I bumped into one of my teachers, almost knocking her over. "I'm so sorry, Ma'am. I didn't see you.", her eyes look me up and down, before recognizing who I was again. "Oh, it's no problem, have a nice day." The way she talked to me made me feel even more down, pronouncing every detail of a word, so I could understand. I'm not that stupid okay!

Trying to fake a smile, I walk past her, knowing that she was probably looking at me in a weird way. Who cares?

Actually, I do. I want Claire here with me.

As on a command, my watch vibrates, making me flinch for a second. It's actually her.

Hey Sky, what's up? Sorry I couldn't come today, but I'm still pretty sick. I have a small favor to ask of you, would you be a dear and come over after school? It's really nothing big, but I need your help with it since I can't do it on my own. Thanks and love you.

What favor? And she didn't even mention what happened yesterday? Is that a good sign or a bad one?

Through out the whole day I felt more and more tired, not that I'm surprised. After the break, I caught Nathan staring at me a few times, always dodging my gaze. What's with that all of the sudden? My heart tingles for a second, ignoring it and continuing to watch my math teacher scribble something on the blackboard. Numbers that is. I use that time to answer Claire, having no other choice than agreeing to help her.

Hey twin, sure! I'll come over right after school. See you later!

I'm kinda excited to meet her after what happened the other days.

The last period got canceled which left me to go to her place even earlier.

Making my way towards the bus stops, I see Dillon hugging another girl with thick black hair and tanned skin. I can't seem to recognize her as any student of this high school and I'm pretty confident to say that I know most of them. Well, I don't actually talk to any of them but I keep a close eye of my environment.

The girl placed a kiss on his cheek, running of with a childish grin planted on her face, her blue adidas bag flying after her, bumping into her sides with every step she took. Dillon looked after her for a while, before turning around to walk back inside the school building.

As I head through the small city, sweating like hell, I think about that girl from before, should I tell Claire about it? I mean, she was so happy when they finally got together, I don't want to be the one to destroy it, after all, she deserves somebody who loves her. But does Dillon actually love her? Or is this just a game?

After another 10 minutes I finally reach her house which is located in the middle of the city, standing alone on a small hill. The bright blue colored walls shimmer in the intense sun light burning down from above. I don't even bother to ring the bell, instead, I make my way around the building entering from the back and heading straight downstairs for the basement.

Although it's not he actual room, we used to hang out down there all the time and we even decorated and furnished everything to make it nice and cozy. I open the black door at the foot of the steps, seeing a grinning Claire wrapped into a pink blanket sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hand.

"Hey, you're quite early. Come, sit down.", her grin widened as I took a seat next to her, slightly creeped out by the way she looked at me. "So about why you're here, I need help with something, but before we get to that you need to give me your phone and watch.", she held out a hand, taking a sip of her tea as she looked at me in expectation. "Can I ask why?" I'm actually starting to feel suspicious.

"Oh, sure. Our calenders aren't in sinc anymore, so I wanted to check if it has something to do with your devices.", I place them in her hand, watching her as she leaves with a short, "Just wait here for a second". Well that's odd, she took the tea with her. As soon as she had left, the walls seemed to be closing in on me, like a trap. I never have this feeling when Claire's here with me.

After a few minutes, the door opens again and Claire, followed by someone else enters the room. My eyes widen, so do his, as we stare at each other in disbelief. NATHAN!

"What is he doing here?", I get up from my seat, looking at the smirking girl next to him. "I want you guys to talk things out, just wait a second, I forgot my tea upstairs."

With that, Claire turns around, runs out of the room and closes the door. I face Nathan, who seemed quite confused, who can blame him, his green eyes glow in the yellowish light. "What does she-", I couldn't see! The power inside the room shut off, leaving us in complete darkness. I start to feel dizzy, dropping to my knees and fighting the urge to scream. Tears streaming down my cheeks. My body shivers as I start to panic, seeing their faces and hearing their voices in the terrifying darkness of the basement.

My breathing increases quickly leaving me hyperventilating soon after, choking on basically nothing. I cough, leaning downwards to get some air into my lungs. The crying just makes things worse. Suddenly I feel a warm touch on my head, immediately flinching away from it. Memories of that day kept dripping in my mind like water. I don't want to remember. Trying to get away from the warm feeling I start to squirm only to get pulled into two strong arms.

That's right, I totally forgot, it's Nathan that's here with me. I don't want him to touch me, what if he'll do the same they did to me? I thrash around me, trying to get out of his embrace. His hands rubbed my back slowly and soothing. He was rocking back and forth, with me in his arms, as I start to give up. I completely stopped moving, shocked and crying about what he could now do to me.

But he didn't.

He just kept holding me, petting me. Slowly I calmed, as I realized he won't harm me. He really was different than those monsters, he was nice and gentle, nothing like them. I felt protected and clung closer to his warm chest, wetting his shirt with the tears that just didn't seem to stop escaping my eyes.

The light suddenly turned back on, the door flew open and Claire stood there, the cup of tea in her hand. Her smile immediately changed to a shocked expression, as she saw us sitting on the ground. "Oh my god! What happened?", she placed the cup on the table, rushing over to us and falling onto her knees. Claire rubbed my cheeks, wiping away tears. "Bro, what's wrong, why was the light out?", she looked up at Nathan, who shrugged.


200 READS?!?! Oh my fuck! Thank you guys so much, you rock out loud!

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