Chapter 54

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In the end, must of this day consisted of watching a movie, drawing (Art) or talking about all the great things to do during summer break. Not very thrilling, I know. And things got even better when I found out that Mika had caught a cold and didn't even come to school today, so I guess I don't have to go to the pool after all. I don't even know if it's okay for me to say that I'm glad he's sick, that's probably something terrible to say or even think but I really am. Thank all the seven jesuses.

Our last three periods got canceled due to the immense heat, so we ended up driving home way earlier than planned. Alex wasn't with us, she said something about going to a friends house and coming home before dinner since she doesn't want to miss anything.

And that's where I remembered the plans for this evening. I guess I blocked them out though out the day, probably because of all the other things going on up there. Nathan parked his car in front of his house, not on the driveway,since his mothers car, a silver Mercedes, was already standing there. We got out and I walked over to him, leaning my head against his shoulder for a few seconds. Come to think of it, they're way more broad than mine, just like his back. That's probably all the muscles from Ice Hockey, it's not like I play any sports or anything.

"Do you want to come swimming?", he suggested, after I straightened my posture again to look at his face. "Sure, I'll just grab my trunks real quick.",I nodded, smiling at the way he kept grinning at me. "I'll get things ready.", he pecked me on the lips, it wasn't much but it was enough to have my heart racing inside my chest. I nodded once again, slowly turning around to head to my own house.

Oh my god, I'm going to be in the same water with him, only wearing shorts made out of very smooth material. I don't know if I'm mentally ready for this.

I enter the house, knowing that no one is home yet, I have a certain feeling of comfort welling up inside me. That's one thing that never really changed, I still love being alone at home. No idea why, since many people hate being alone,or with out company for even a few minuets. But I guess there is another difference between being alone and being lonely. I've really felt lonely since Claire was always there for me but even now, with her gone, I 've never had to deal with thoughts of loneliness. And the reason is waiting for me seven houses down the street, which is why I have to hurry it up a notch.

Quickly, I grab my red, blue striped trunks, a huge towel and checked if my moms concealer said anything about being water proof, it's not, by the way. I left my watch in my room, not wanting to take it with me after I had changed and started to head back to his house. I entered through the gate leading to the garden directly seeing my boyfriend stand there,hunched over the edge of the pool to check the water.

I broke a sweat just from walking over here, that's literally how hot it is right now. Nathan turned around, his black trunks suiting him nicely. I'm not saying that I started at him, but I was amazed by his defined body once again. The only imperfection that was displayed on his body, was the long scar on his lower body, I have to ask where it came from later.

"You look so cute.", his hair was already slightly wet, so was his body, drops of water shimmering in the light of the sun, making his body appear even more godlike. "I told you not to say that.", I tried to pout, but ended up grinning at him, my cheeks feeling hotter than usual, and that's not due to the sun. "The water is pretty nice.", I walked over to him, my towel and phone squeezed close to my chest as I reached one hand into the pleasantly cold water. "You're right.", I smiled at him while he pushed his hair back with one hand. "So, you want to get in?", I simply nodded, putting my two things on the outdoor couch at the other end of the garden, watching Nathan as he slowly climbed in to the huge pool. I followed close after, the coolness feeling great against my heated skin.

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