Chapter 37

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Yet again I sighed, pulling the chair closer to them and sitting on it. "First of all, we weren't making out and second, we're not that close yet.", I felt uncomfortable talking about it with these two, not because I don't trust them or anything, but also because I wasn't sure about itmyself. "Then what exactly is going on between you guys?", Claire must have noticed my uncertainty, trying to encourage me with her warm smile.

"We don't know... well at least I don't. He did say that he liked me, but I'm not even sure if I'm into guys, or not.", I say, scratching my head furiously, before looking back up at the two girls. "Just tell us about today.", Claire said, putting an arm around my sister. "Well, we went to this small Café downtown. 'Soul'. No idea if you guys knowit.", both of them nod, "We talked for a while, about all of this. He told me not to worry too much and just wait for all of it to make sense before I give him an answer. After that we walked back home and we actually held hands."

I can't help but crack a smile as I remembered what happened a few minutes earlier, reliving the moment a little. Rubbing my hands together I continue to talk, the words just leaving my mouth without me actually thinking too much about it.

"We kissed and hugged, but that wasn't actually the first time we kissed. At the party, when we were both drunk, talking in some bedroom. But it felt just like the first time.", my index finger traces over my lips, still smiling like an idiot. For the first time in a while, I look back up at the two girls, both looking at me with wide grins plastered on their faces.

"Just look at you talk about him! That's so sweet, my baby fell in love for the first time!", Claire squeezed Alex in a bone crushing hug, eyes shut tightly. "That's not true, I'm not in love with him!", I tried to defend myself, but it was two against one. "You are! Just look at your face when you talk about him! Your eyes start to light up and you can't stop smiling, so don't tell me you don't love him.", Claire got up from the bed, walking over to me, my heart skipping a few beats from all of this excitement.

"Please don't try to deny it, it's pretty obvious. Maybe you're a little confused about things, but that's totally normal when you're falling in love. Also, don't be afraid of talking to us. We're always there for you.", she pulled me into a hug, gently rubbing my back with her left hand. "But, if I'm in love with him, doesn't that make me gay?", I whisper, trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible.

"Yes, and?", she released me from her hug, looking deep into my eyes with a stern and serious expression, "That's something totally normal, so don't beat yourself about it.", she ruffled through my hair, before straightening her back and looking over at my sister who also got up from where she was sitting. I guess I'm pretty lucky, not only with my sister, but also with my best friend.

The rest of the day, we didn't talk about it anymore, only once in a while they would catch me texting with Nathan, while he was out with his mom and her cousin. Claire tried her best to keep my thoughts off of it, distracting me with various things, until it was finally time for dinner.

We watched a movie on my laptop, just her and me, before going to bed, falling asleep next to each other. I have to say, I missed having her with me over night, knowing that she'll be there to protect me. But the last few days I had somebody else that was constantly near me or even on my mind. Claire got totally pushed back to a point where I'd sometimes just forgether. It's not like that's my intention or anything, but Nathan takes up all of my energy, even when he's not around.

No idea if that's a good thing.

I woke up to a light shake on my arm, which was wrapped around something warm and soft. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the way too bright light that filled my room in a golden shine. With a slight groan, I finally managed to look at my sister who was standing in front of my bed with a huge grin on her face.

"Guess who just asked for you.", she pointed towards the door where a black haired boy was leaning against the door frame, a huge smirk plastered on his face. "Since when are you a cuddler? For all I know is, that you like to be cuddled.", he came a little closer, laughing at the huge blush that spread over my cheeks. Just now, I noticed the girl that was laying in my arms, still asleep, her mouth slightly opened.

"What even are you doing here?", I gently released Claire out of my arm, not trying to wake her up. With one hand I try to comb my hair back so I wouldn't look like a total dork, even though I just woke up. "You said you'd help me paint the walls.", he was slightly pouting, arms stretched out, waiting for me to hug him. With another groan, I walk into his arms, already enjoying the feeling of his embrace, although it was short.

"Oh yeah, right. It's just...I'm not a morning person.", I yawn, wiping a tear out of my eye. "It's already noon.", he laughed slightly, ruffling through my hair as I give him a puzzled look. I turn to face Alex, she was already dressed and looked decent compared to me. "Sorry bro, didn't want to wake you up.", she shrugged it off with a grin.

"Just... give me five minutes.", with that I rush over to the bathroom to try and not look like I just woke up, which I actually did. After brushing my teeth, trying to safe my hair and getting a decent scent on my body I walk back over to my room. It appears Claire has woken up and was now talking with Nathan, who was sitting next to her on my bed. They both smiled at me as I entered the room, walking over to the window too pen it, the air was pretty heavy in here.

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