Chapter 42

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Both of them had huge smiles plastered on their faces as they approached us. "You two are so cute!", the blonde girl sat down beside us, Alex following close by. I scooted a few inches away from Nathan, not that I wanted to. "So, what are you guys doing here?", I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible, it's not like they walked in on us or anything. "Oh, we just wanted to say hey and check out what you're up to.", Alex was sitting in the middle of the huge couch, grinning at us.

I looked over to Nathan, who had his usual smile displayed on his face. Come to think of it, there is a difference between this smile and the one he had before they arrived. Or am I just imagining things? Turning my head back to Claire, I see her holding two devices in her hand, waving them in front of my face. "You forgot these, thought you might want to check who wrote you. It was Mika by the way.", she handed me my phone and watch, before continuing, "Oh, and sorry, I already read it... and replied."

My jaw drops, what is wrong with her, since when does she actually read my messages without permission? And answering? I quickly unlock my phone, searching for the chat.

Mika: Hey Sky! How are you?Just wanted to know if you want to go to the pool with the others? I bet Claire, Dillon, my brother and Nathan (-winking emoji-) would want to come with us.

Claire as me: Hey, I'm fine and you? I'd love to go with everybody! I asked Claire and Dillon and they both agreed to coming with us. Let's say we go this coming week, I'm kinda busy with Nathan at the moment -winking emoji-

Mika: I knew you guys were dating! That's so cute, I'm happy for the both of you! And yes, next week is fine by me! You do have fun with Nathan, tell him I said hey.

My eyes widened in shock as I read what that girl wrote. "Are you kidding me? Claire, why did you do that?", I asked her, as she looked at me with a smirk. I was really angry, well, not that much but I felt kinda betrayed, after all, she is the one person I trust the most. "I'm sorry, it just seemed like a good opportunity to get you out of the house and have fun with the others .", her smirk turned up side down, as she said that with a kind of pleading look on her face.

I know I shouldn't be that angry, but storming off just seemed like the best solution, but I have to work on where I'm actually going, because I landed in Nathans room. Not sure if I should stay here or not. The grip around my phone was tight, but I just now realized that. Turning around, I saw Nathan standing near the door, a worried look on his features.

"Sky, what's wrong? What did that evil woman do?", I couldn't help but laugh a little at the way he called Claire. I handed him my phone, showing him the chat. "Well, that's not too bad, it could be worse, right? Just please don't be so upset, it hurts seeing you like this.",  he rubbed over my cheek, his eyes were almost shining in the sun light that entered through the window. His eyes were beautiful, I had always thought that before.

"So, do you want to go to the pool?", there was this smile again, the one he had before my sister and the evil woman (I like that nickname) were still at my house. It feels like it's only for me, my personal smile. "I don't know, I'm not too fond of that place. Do you?", his hand on my cheek disappeared. "I don't mind, but I'd rather go with you. But if you don't want to, that's fine too, I mean, we do have a pool of our very own.", he ruffled through my hair and just now I noticed how fluffly and soft his hair looked when it was dried by air. Like, I really wanted to touch it.

"Your hair is really soft.", Nathan said after running his hand over my scalp once more. "I just thought the same about you, can I touch it?", why am I asking to touch him, that's so weird. "Sure.", he smiled again, my smile. I reached forwards, my fingers making contact with his hair, which was indeed very soft. He should keep it like this, no spray or gel. "I like it.", mentally face palming myself, for saying that out loud. "I like yours too.", he didn't seem too bothered about saying something like that.

"Now, let's go back to the others.", he held his hand towards me and I gladly took it, feeling just like the first time we held hands. We didn't even part when we arrived the two girls who were both still sitting there, one with an apologetic look on her face the other seeming rather bored. "Sky, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that!", Claire jumped up from the place she was sitting on, pacing over to us. "It's fine, I'm not mad at you.", I put my arms around her, reluctantly letting go of Nathans hand. "Really? I promise it won't happen again.", her eyes seemed to sparkle as we walked back to my sister, who still seemed rather misplaced.

"I don't want to sound like an ass, but can we go home now?", she scratched the back of her head, looking up at us. I checked my watch. Almost 6pm, where did the time go? "You're right, we should be heading home.", I said, turning to face Nathan who was standing behind me. "It was fun today.", I  stated, receiving a wide grin from the black haired boy. "It was,we should totally hang out again. Maybe Monday, since I won't be here all day tomorrow. Ice Hockey training.", he shrugged slightly, before resting his head on my shoulder, even though it was only for mere seconds.

"I'll miss you.", he placed a light kiss on my forehead, rubbing over it afterward. "Yeah, me too.", mental facepalm, yet again. I have to stop saying such embarrassing things! He smiled, ruffling through my hair one last time, before turning towards Claire. She grinned at us, probably for behaving like total idiots. "Let's go, mom wants us home.", my sister tried to fight the urge to grin as well, but every few seconds the corners of her mouth tugged up.

I nodded turning back to Nathan."I'll see you on Monday.", he nodded, leading the way over to the gate of the basement, which led to the main street. It was kinda hard to leave, even though we'll see each other on Monday, it felt like I'm going to miss him, which is literally ridiculous. I shouldn't behave like this, it's so untypical for me. The things I say to him, things I've never said to anybody else, not even Claire. Maybe I should start leaving Claire out of this, she isn't a scale, on which I can compare my relationship with others. She is just a friend and I have to start to give her more free time, since I'm always some where around her.

We make our way over to the house without any conversation, not even when we walked up the stairs to my room. Well, Alex left for her own, but Claire was still here. Maybe we should talk about everything that's happening at the moment, I mean, I'm totally confused with the whole situation. I wasn't sure how to approach this topic so I didn't, I kept quiet and didn't say anything at all. Dinner went by and I still hadn't actually talked, even my parents noticed, but didn't dig deeper after I told them it was nothing.

My mind makes no sense, everything makes no damn sense at the moment, but I don't know if I hate it or not, I mean, whenever I'm with Nathan, I'm happy, well, and confused sometimes. And then there is his smile, the one he only showed when I was around, okay okay, maybe I'm really just hallucinating, but I could have sworn that it was different. Is that even important? Do I have to discuss this with myself?

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