Chapter 6

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Sighing, I put the instrument back to where it belonged and exited the basement, going up the stairs and towards the cafeteria. As I entered it, a lot of people, students in smaller groups and most of them girls, offered me a place next to them. I just gave them an apologetic smile and pointed to the furious blonde girl, who was about to pick a fight with some of the art club members. "Hey, what's going on over here?", I say as I approach the arguing group of students, both girls and boys, I also recognize Dillon standing next to Claire, trying to talk her out of it. As she sees me, her mood makes a 180 degrees turn and she jumps towards me with an energetic smile: "Sky! How was it?" I put my arms around her as she looks up at me, her blue eyes sizzling in expectation. "How was what exactly?", I ask her, not sure if she was talking about Nathan or my guitar playing.

"Idiot, I'm talking about that black haired boy, he asked me where he could find you. Isn't that sweet?", the blonde girl winks, before turning around on her heels and starting to yell at the group of students. Dillon rolls his eyes and steps closer to me: "So Sky, do you have any plans for this weekend? Claire and some friends of mine are planning a party. You could join us if you want?" Me and parties? That really doesn't sound too promising. "Well, uhm, I don't know yet, but I'll make sure to write you beforehand.", that's probably the worst excuse ever. "Cool man, it'd be nice to have you around." For what exactly? His charming brown eyes blink for a few times before focusing on his girlfriend. Claire was really angry, as she was gesticulating in a wild way. "What are they arguing about anyway?", I ask the brunette boy, who's still standing next to me. "Beats me, Claire said something about the art club being useless, I don't know. I think it's best to just let her be.", I look at her boyfriend in confusion, why wouldn't he step in? Does he even know what happens if she gets really furious? I shiver at the memory of that fatal day about one year ago.

"Claire didn't you wanna know what happened between me and Nathan?", she stops and freezes in her movement, before slowly turning around, with a creepy smile on her thin lips. "What do you mean with happened?" "You won't find out unless you come with me to our hiding spot.", she quickly  turns her whole body towards me, grabs my hand and takes off (with me flying next to her). We exit the school and make our way to the back of the building, where we sit under the only tree that was standing there. "So tell me all the things!", she insists, so I sigh and start to explain her what happened in the music room. "Wow, you totally rejected him, that's cold."

"I didn't reject him, because there was no need for something like that. He just apologized for earlier."

"Yeah right, and than taking advantage of the situation and hugging you, sweet heart, I don't think so.", she gives me that know-it-all-look and laughs. "Your face is red."

"No it's not! And he wasn't taking advantage of anything, why should he?", I try to talk her out of that weird idea, but she keeps staring at me in that really creepy way. "You'll find out soon, my beloved twin brother.", and with that she gets up and reaches a hand towards me, pulling me to my feet. The bell must have rung, calling for classes.

I wonder what subject he has right now?

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