Chapter 38

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"Why didn't you wake me up, I almost fainted when he suddenly appeared.", she pointed at the smirking Nathan who watched me as I went over to my closet. "Because I didn't want to wake you and honestly, how could I have known that he just waits in here. Thought he might go downstairs or what ever.", I pull out an old shirt that already had some spots on them and my oldest pair of shorts that actually looked like they could belong to a homeless.

"If you excuse me.", I walk back over to the bathroom, quickly changing into the things I brought with me, putting my old stuff in the dirty laundry bin. "Wow, I didn't even know you owned ugly clothes.", Claire looked at me in surprise as I went over to get Nathan. "You always look so nice, that's actually a scary sight.", she giggled a little, before pulling the blanket back over her head with a quick 'bye'.

Nathan looked at me, a small smile on his lips. "You ready?", I answer his question with a nod and lead the way downstairs. My sister and parents were all sittingin the living room, greeting me with warm smiles. "Have you guys met?", I point at the boy behind me, receiving multiple nods. "Did you think he sneaked by us without introducing himself? He even brought us cookies from his mother, Mrs Walker.", my mom smiled, Alex was half on her lap half on the sofa, her head rested on a pillow.

"Well, then we'll be going, or?", I look behind me, before heading outside the door, after putting on my shoes. We walked over in silence, although it wasn't uncomfortable, I wished he would start saying something. We enter his house, leaving the hotness of outside behind us. He led me up to an almost empty room next to his, in the middle of the room were a few baskets full of paint, brushes and tape.

"I'll go get changed real quick, can you start by taping up the edges?", he asked, pointing at the different rolls that were scattered across the with transparent foil covered wooden floor. I nod, giving him a reassuring smile before he left the room again. I grabbed one of the rolls and started at the edges of the floor, carefully placing the sticky tape over them, to protect it from the paint.

Halfway through the process, I noticed some movement behind me, seeing Nathan as he watched me crawlover the floor, to get in the corners. He tried to look away as soon as I had caught him. "Oh my god, are you eye-raping me?", we both laughed at my comment, looking at each other with amusement written all over our faces. "Totally, what did you expect, I mean, who couldn't look at you?", I blushed at his compliment, turning back to my task at hand.

We both keep working, Nathan started painting with the white paint that was sitting in the middle of the room. "I'm done taping, what else can I do?", I turn to face him who had a tiny splash of paint in his face. "How about food?", he grins, pointing at his stomach. I laugh, walking over to him to wipe off the little spot of paint. He looked at me as I did so, smiling at me gently.

"Come to think of it.", he places his right hand on my check, drawing me closer to him as his lips touch mine, vanishing just as soon as they appeared, "I haven't kissed you today." With a last confident smile, he turns back to the wall, leaving me standing there with a huge blush, wide eyes and a dangerously fast beating heart.

After a few seconds of shock, I make my way downstairs to make us something to eat, since I'm starting to get hungry as well. I try not to think about that kiss too much, if I actually have feelings for him, then kissing will be something totally normal and even...

I trail off, getting myself even more flustered than I already was. I quickly cut up some fruit and make some sandwiches, humming a little as I do so. Suddenly two arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me closer to his chest. I do get over my heart attack quickly enough to realize that it's actually him hugging me. His head was rested against my shoulder, I could feel his breath on my skin.

"Would you mind?", I say, trying not to sound too embarrassed about this situation. He turned me around in his arms so I was facing him. "Do you want me to stop touching you?", he asked with a serious look, not even a small smile was tugging the corners of his lips up. Well, it's not like I don't like it, but I just get so confused about the feelings that developed inside me, whenever he does.

"I don't want you to stop.", I admit after a few seconds of heavy silence that weighed on my body. "And kiss?", his look was still serious, but not as bad as before. I wasn't sure about the answer to this question, would it really be okay for me to keep on kissing him even though we're not actually dating?

"It depends, I really do like it but sometimes it confuses me.", my voice is probably nothing more than a whisper, but it echoed through my mind, staying there for a little while. "So, do you want me to ask you beforehand?", his hands were on my hips, softly pulling me closer to him. "Can I kiss you?", he didn't even wait for my first answer before throwing another question at me. I nod, soon after his lips collide with mine, it wasn't as gentle as the last ones, not in a bad way though.

Suddenly his tongue traces over my lower lip, I try to push him away from me, eyes widened in shock. He pulls away, excitement in his eyes. "Open your mouth a little.", he pointed at his own mouth, before closing the space between us again. I wasn't sure about this, also a little scared, what if I can't do it or I'm bad at it? What if he's going to laugh at me?

His tongue does the same thing it did before, this time I hesitantly open my mouth a little, waiting for what he's about to do. With one of his hands he lifts my chin, tilting it to one side, as his tongue touched mine for the first time. I only just now realized I had completely stopped breathing. He was moving slowly, like he didn't want to startle me with any sudden movements. My heart was pounding painfully fast, to a point where he could probably hear or feel it, since our bodies were grind against each other.

Nathan slowly pulled back, leaving me completely breathless and panting. "How was it? Your first french kiss, I assume.", he rubbed my cheeks gently, his eyes sparkling in a way I've never seen them before. "It was...interesting. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do, to be honest.", I admitted, putting my hand over his. He smiled, placinga light kiss on the tip of my nose. "Don't worry about it, I liked it.", with a last wink he went back upstairs, leaving me standing there yet again.

The feelings inside of me were running wild and I didn't even know what I was feeling anymore. Everything made me feel so good and this, our first actual kiss kiss? It made my whole world stand upside down. Should I just face it, like, should I just tell him that I developed feelings for him?

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