Chapter 9

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The door opens once again, only this time it's my dad coming home for lunch break. The tall brunette  man comes inside, walking towards me in his expensive looking black suit. He's a banker. And I think that job fits perfectly. His kind brown eyes seem like they're sparkling as hesits down next to me, patting my head softly: "How was your day? Was everything okay?" I nod, leaning myself against him. "It was fine, nothing special really happened." I know I know, I'm usually not lying that much, it just doesn't seem mentionable.

"Oh right, have you heard about our new neighbors? They moved here last weekend and they have a son. I think he should be your age. Did you notice anyone new today?", oh crap, he's like actually my new neighbor? "Hm? No, I didn't see him. Where exactly did they move?", I hope that doesn't sound suspicious. "Where the Millers used to live, you remember? That old couple about eigth houses down the street?", oh I remember, they both died short after each other." Yeah, I really liked them, they were nice."

My dad nods a few times, before carrying on our little conversation: "What is this on your forehead? Did someone hit you?", he touches the still sensitive spot, looking concerned. "I totally forgot about it! I hit my head against the front seat and the window of the bus this morning. I didn't know it was that visible." Oh my god,what if it actually a huge bump? And what if Nathan saw it? I don't really have that long bangs! "It's not, I just noticed it from the side, you know, like a pimple. Well a little bigger.", he laughs, rubbing it again. Great! Like a pimple in bigger, in other words a bump. Right. On. My. Fucking. Forehead. Ups, please excuse my language.

"Oh okay, is it bad?", I don't even dare to look in the mirror! "No,it's all right, I mean, every teenager your age has acne so it  basically looks normal.", he's just making it worse, thanks for nothing dad! "Great thank you!", I bury my face in my hands, wishing I would have just payed attention to where the bus was heading. Dang it! My dad's big warm hands rub my shoulder before getting up. I just assume he left my room.

With closed eyes I lay back, nuzzling my face into the big cold pillow. This is really embarrassing.

A painful sensation on my left shoulder and lower back make me jolt up in surprise. And obviously pain. I look around to see my sister, arms crossed, her foot tapping the floor in a fast rhythm and an expression that could kill. "Did you do your homework? I don't think so! And it's almost time for dinner, did you seriously sleep until now? You're unbelievable!" Wait. I fell asleep? When? I rub my eyes to clear my vision. It started to get dark outside and there was no light in my room. "What wrong?" ,Alex facial expression makes a 180 degree turn. From angry to worried. "What do you mean?", I watch her as she sighs. "You seem off today, did something happen, also what is this weird thing on your forehead, I've never seen a pimple this big?" Seriously, it's that big?! "Just kidding, it's barely even noticeable! Dad told me to mess with you, he said you were oddly concerned about your face. Say, could it be that your trying to look good for someone?",she puts her evil smirk on, punching my arm a few times, making me flinch in pain. "NO WAY! Who is she? No wait, let me guess... hmis it this one girl in your class with the glasses? You now, the cute one? Or wait! It's not that weird blond chick, right? She used to follow you everywhere. And I mean everywhere! I think if you asked her out, she'd move here! Hahaha, it's not her though right? That'd be kinda scary."

Why is everyone all up in my business today?! "No it's not a girl, Alex. Now, would you please leave, I have homework to do.", I try to push her of my bed, but she keeps bouncing back. "You can't lie to me! I'm your actual sister, unlike Claire! I know it has to be a girl. You stiffened right after I mentioned it. Tell me! Please!"

If she knew...


As promised a new chapter. See, I can even keep a few promises hahaha. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have to say, I'm probably a mixture between Alex and Sky cause I'm either all up in ones business or I suffer from social anxiety. Well ok, I don't suffer, it's more like, I'm rather around my closest friends, my teddy or my phone/laptop/horse. Ok nevermind, I know you're not here to learn about my life, you're probablly here because you love yaoi/ BL/ Boys Love/ Boy x Boy and you actually just want to fucking leave but no, instead you have to listen to this little brat whining about her life. haha, ups.

Carry on, my friend, we'll see each other soon! ( I hope)

Oh and please please vote and comment on my other chapters (and this one obviously)! I'd really like some feedback from more than one person (no offense FujoshiAngst ) Hahaha. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and will carry on sticking to my story, I live you all😝💖

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