Chapter 13

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"Do I have something on my face?", he snaps me out of my thought and I quickly lower my gaze towards his lips. "No why do you ask?", his sightly cracked lips form a smile, soon after a sentence: "Because you keep staring at me."My eyes widen, I did? I hadn't noticed. "Uhm, sorry, I mean.. was I?", I sit up straight again, trying to dodge his gaze. I really didn't want to talk to him.

It seems like my prayers have been answered, because my watch vibrates, it's a message from Claire. I'll just try to take as much time as possible, answering and reading it.

Meh, it's alright, I have a little fever and a headache, it's really not that big of a deal, but I didn't feel like coming today anyway. Don't be mad, though, since you have Nathan and  Dillon watching over you. Best of luck!

Seriously? She didn't feel like it?! Like I care if they watch over me, I don't need anyone! I put my head back on the table, why do I feel so exhausted? I slept plenty this night. Sighing, I type on the small screen.

Really? Have a nice day off, you traitor. Hahah just kidding, Love you.

Suddenly someone taps my shoulder, pulling away though as I flinch. I tilt my head upwards to see Nathan. His head resting on his arm on the table, as well. "Just wanted to ask, if it's okay for me to sit here for the rest of the day.", he breaks a smile, as I sigh once again. "You might as well. Just don't disturb me during class." Nathan immediately nods, causing the table to shake a little. My watch vibrates again, telling me that our first lessons starts now.

I'm getting more and more tired and I don't even know why. My eyes almost fall shut and I already banged my chin on the surface. I just hope it wasn't loud. Right as my eyes dare to close again, a small piece of paper was flicked in front of me. Turning my head slowly, I look at Nathan, who keeps laughing at my attempts to stay awake. I turn back to the piece of white paper, unfolding it, to read what it says. Seriously, what is up with you? Sleeping in class? Do you want me to keep you awake?

I take out a pen to scribble an answer, catching my teachers attention for a split second, before he continues his class. I have no idea what is going on, I've never been this tired at school before. What do you mean with keep me awake? I'm not even sure IF I want to know. Soon after I passed the note back to him, Nathan's hand rises, getting called up by our teacher almost immediately. He even turns his head slightly to make it easier for me to read.

"Uhm, Sir, Skylar doesn't feel good, he said he's very dizzy. May I accompany him outside to get some fresh air? That could help him.", I do? Or is he lying? Well he's obviously lying.

"Yeah sure. That's very nice of you to notice and I'm stunned about your behavior. Isn't this your first day in this class?", that's why I didn't notice him yesterday. "It is, Sir. Now, if you'll excuse us for a few minutes, I'll take him for a little break outside, but I'm sure the young lady sitting behind us, will take notes for us, right?", he winks and smiles at the brunette girl with thick glasses, making her blush, nod and promptly taking out two pieces of paper. All at once. My heart stings for a second, vanishing right after, as I glare at the flustered girl, who only had eyes for Nathan. What was that just now?

As we head outside of the school building, my knees become as soft as pudding and my vision turns blurry for a moment. "Thank you. Do you always lie like that?", Iask leaning against the wall of the house. "I didn't lie, just look at you, you seem exhausted and you were wobbling down the  hallway like an alien, you're head even hit the table once. Didn't you sleep?", he comes a step closer, which I immediately back up. "You don't like people being to close, don't you?", a warm breeze blows by, lifting my shirt a little. "I don't know how that could be any of your business." I turn my head away, signaling him that I don't want to talk about it anymore. That's right, I don't want him to know what happened, I want Nathan as far away from me as possible.

A tight grip around my jaw pulls my head violently closer to his face. Just like the first time we met, I can smell his perfume. I bite my teeth together, why is he touching me? Can't he just go away?

"Listen up, I decide whether it's my business or not, so stop being such an idiot!", I try to push him away from me, but his body just stiffens even more. "Don't touch me!", I don't know if I yelled, but I just want to leave this situation, right this instance. Memories of that day come flashing before my eyes, the way they looked at me, their hands as they- "Why?", his face keeps getting closer his expression calm, making me feel more trapped. The only thing I can do is shut my eyes tightly and hope he'll let go of me. I don't want him to do the same things they did! I thought he was different!

The grip disappears, but I keep my eyes shut, feeling more and more dizzy. Even through the darkness, I felt like the ground his spinning. What is happening with my body? Suddenly the movement stops and I fall. But do I really? My mind also stops working, no thoughts. Darkness.


Dundunduuuuun!! What happened to Skylar in his past, why is everyone worried, why is he feeling so tired, why is Claire sick, what did his sister do in his room, why are his parents acting weird, is it because of his past, why is Nathan so determined to find out????

But are you determined to find out? I don't know! Leave a vote and/ or comment to find out the answers to all these mysterious questions! Bye bye!!

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