Chapter 7

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As school is finally over, I stretch out my limbs and stand up from my chair. Most of the students in my class are already gone, so is the teacher, only a few are still packing their bags together and talking in smaller groups. "Let's go! Hurry it up, would you!", Claire was jogging on place, shaking her head. "I want to say bye to Dillon before he starts practice." I laugh for a second, looking down at the blond girl: "Just go ahead, I'll probably see you on the bus anyway.", she gives me a small peck on my right cheek before taking off.

I sigh and scratch my head slightly, before exiting the class room and heading down the overcrowded aisle to the exit. As I walk over to the bus stops, I recognize Nathan, heading the same way with a group of guys. Probably his new friends. He doesn't see me as the group slowly disappears in the rest of the swarm of students.

Before I could find a bus to get on, the watch around my wrist starts to vibrate for a few seconds. I take out my phone and check the message, it's from my mom:

Hey Sky, I'm near your school, do you know where your sister is? If you do please wait for me, I'll pick you guys up.

Great, so know I even have to search for my sister? This is total chaos here! Before I could think about this anymore, somebody suddenly jumps on my back almost knocking me to the ground. Of course, I almost die off the second heart attack this day, sighing as I look into the mocking brown eyes of my little sister Alex. "Found you.", I exhale in frustration, "Mom just wrote me, to find you. She said she'll pick us up." "Awesome, when will she be here, do you know?", I shake my head for an answer. "Okay than I won't leave anymore, just in case. So, you probably already know about it, but Claire and Dillon are officially a thing now! Isn't that just cute?", she says with happy expression. "I think so, too, they're adorable together.", I say, even though I don't really mean it that way. In my opinion, they don't match each other, but maybe that will change with the flow of time. It's probably just because of the whole fresh love thing, I guess. They don't know each other that well, yet, I mean I can't compare my relationship to her with his. I'm pretty sure you could say, that I know absolutely everything about her there is to know. So does she.

"Hey, don't space out, let's sit down somewhere, I don't like standing in the middle of a crowd.", Alex says, before pulling me at my sleeves to a bench further away from all the others waiting for the next bus to arrive. We both sit next to each other in silence, there is just nothing say. I stare of into space, totally forgetting about time (or Alex), but as she gets up and snaps her finger in my face I realize again where I am. "She's here, let's go."

I quietly follow her to the red minivan standing on the parking lot a few meters away from us. As we get in the car, the blond haired woman in the driving seats, aka my mom, and my sister start a conversation. The rest of the ride home, I stared out of the window, wondering if Claire and Dillon are going to be happy together.

A warm and gentle touch on my left shoulder snaps me out of my thoughts. "We're home. Let's go, I'm starving.", Alex grins widely before practically jumping out of the car and running inside the yellowish house, we call home.

I slowly follow as my mother parks the vehicle in the garage. My sister had thrown her purple school bag on the floor, next to her shoes. I'm guessing she wasn't kidding about starving.

"I'm going to cook something, anything specific you want?", her brown eyes look at me in expectation. "Dunno, you can make whatever you want, or you can ask mom.", I reply, placing her and my shoes neatly next to the other ones and taking her bag with me upstairs.

Her room was really neat, compared to mine, I thought as I place it next to her desk, leaving and heading to my trash can (I'm referring to my room). I quickly grab the biggest parts of trash or clothes to either throw them in the dirty laundry container or the (actual) trash can. My phone and watch suddenly vibrate and I look at the small display on my wrist. My eyes widen a bit, it's a message from Dillon.

Hey Sky, what's up? I just wanted to ask if there is anything going on between you and Claire, this isn't supposed to sound rude or anything, just wanted to ask.

Why would he think that there's something going on between me and my best friend? That's ridiculous.

I pull out my phone to answer him, while sitting down on my chaotic bed.

What? NO, there's absolutely nothing going on! Why would you even think that?

How weird. I decide to continue cleaning my room until food is ready. But my thought slowly slip to another person that's been on my mind. Nathan. I really wanted to know how his first day here was and I also wanted to apologize for being such a douche, when he tried to set things straight. I was really behaving like a little brat, but the way he held me in his arms was somehow soothing and warm. I wanted to feel it again.... wait....WHAT?! I should definitely stop thinking like this, I mean, I don't even know him for once and second.... I shouldn't be crying in front of a stranger.

My watch vibrates again and the screen of my phone next to me comes to life, it's Dillon again.

Sorry, I didn't want to offend you. I hope you'll still come party with us.

I don't know if should, I mean, while they dance to music I can't even hear, I'm just going to sit there and get drunk. On second thought though.... Naw, I'm just kidding!

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