*13; Founders Day

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I felt like I was back in 1864 all over again, seeing Stefan in one of his suits from back when we were human, and Elena looked exactly like Katherine. The town was celebrating the 150th birthday of Mystic Falls, and of course they had to celebrate the day the town was foundered.

They went all out by throwing a parade with the high school students, there was even a float for the winner and runners up of Miss Mystic Falls, which included Stefan and Elena, even though Stefan wasn't actually there.

As soon as the parade was over I made a beeline straight to the grill not even bothering to look for my brothers. I needed a drink, me being around these humans was not a good idea when I'm bored.

Looking around the grill my eyes landed on Jeremy who was sat on his own, grabbing my drink I walked over to him taking a seat at the table he was sat at. Stefan told me that Jeremy knew the truth about everything, and now he's pissed off at Elena for keeping it from him and getting Damon to take his pain away.

"How are you Jeremy?" I asked as he looked up at me. "Go away Lilly" He snapped sending me a glare making me chuckle. Silly human. "You're taking this whole thing out on the wrong person. Damon was the one that took away your pain"

"She lied to me" He stated making me shrug. "So, what did you want her to let you become a shell of yourself? Life gets complicated for humans when they get mixed up with the supernatural, so why don't you give your sister a break and stop acting like a little child who doesn't get what it wants"

"Go to hell Lilly" He spoke before standing up and leaving the grill. "Already there" I chuckled before standing up myself going to follow him. I was gonna kill the little child for even thinking that he could talk to me like that.

As I walked outside I stood in my tracks as I spotted Damon talking to Jeremy and it didn't look like a friendly chat. "Don't ever talk to my sister like that, ever" Damon warned him making me raise my eyebrows, whys he sticking up for me?

"What? So you're gonna kill me because I hurt poor Lilly's feeling?" Jeremy asked him. "Now, but you're lucky she didn't kill you, she's a lot stronger than you... And from now on, lay off your sister. She was protecting you, I was the one who erased your memories, so if you want to blame anyone, blame me"

"It wasn't her call to make" Jeremy snapped, I rolled my eyes before walking back into the bar not interested in the conversation, I don't even know why I got involved in the first place.

It was stupid, I don't even like Elena so I don't even know why I was trying to help her, I hope nothing but bad luck for her.

I don't even know why I'm still in this pony town, but something was stopping me and I didn't have a clue as to what, but something told me that I should stay in town.

"We have a problem, and when I say problem, I mean a big problem" I looked to my right, my eyes landing on Damon. "What problem are we talking about? Newbie vampire or Elena problem?" I asked having a drink of the wine I had, turning my head away from him.

"A tomb vampire problem" He stated making me snap my head back towards him, shaking my head, we should have known this was gonna happen. "They want revenge on the founding families, they're gonna attack when the fireworks go off"

"That's what John wanted with the invention" I mumbled as everything finally clicked in to place. I downed my drink before sliding out of my seat. "Looks like we've got some vampires to kill"

Damon went to get Ric to see if he'd help, while I went to look for Elena and Stefan. "Come on" I spoke as I linked my arm with Elena's as we walked around the town square. "Uh, what are you doing?" Elena asked confused.

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