Uncle Sherlock

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We can't find a babysitter. Can you do it?   -JW

No.   -SH

Please Sherlock! I'm desperate.  -JW

Sherlock sighed and placed his phone on the table and continued with his experiment. The phone rang but Sherlock ignored it. He never babysat before and he didn't want to. He did like their child but he wouldn't be able to take care of her. The phone rang again for the fifth time. Sherlock grabbed his phone and texted John, not even glancing at the other messages that John sent him.

Fine.  -SH

It would make John happy, so why not. Sherlock stopped experimenting on the eyeballs and sat down in his black chair, waiting for John to bring Rosie. Sherlock placed his hands underneath his chin and went to his mind palace.

Sherlock opened his eyes when he heard footsteps on the stairs. ''You're staying with uncle Sherlock tonight. Your mother and I will pick you up tomorrow morning.'' He heard John say. Sherlock took a deep breath and forced a wide smile on his face. The door opened and the five year old girl stormed in, with her stuffed animal still in her hand. Rosie ran over to Sherlock and climbed on top of his lap, hugging him tightly. Sherlock made a face and saw John laughing. He awkwardly placed a hand on her back until she let go of him. ''Good evening, Rosie.'' Sherlock greeted. ''Can I braid your hair?'' She asked. She was very smart for a five year old and spoke quite well. ''Maybe later.'' Sherlock mumbled. ''Don't stay up too late!'' John warned. Rosie nodded and gave her father a quick kiss on his cheek. ''Have a nice date.'' John smiled at Sherlock's sarcastic tone and left the apartment. Little Rosie climbed on top of the chair across from Sherlock and unpacked her suitcase. She made a mess as she threw her clothes all over the floor but Sherlock didn't mind, he wasn't a neat freak like his brother. She found what she was looking for and held it up for Sherlock to see. ''I got a new book. Will you read it to me tonight?'' She asked. Sherlock took the book from the little girl and sighed. ''Can't you read it yourself?'' He asked, he really hated these children books. The little girl shook her head and pouted. ''Pleaseeee.'' Sherlock rolled his eyes and gave in. ''Alright fine.'' The little girl smiled and Sherlock couldn't help but smile too.

Sherlock and Rosie were playing their fourth game of Cluedo when someone knocked on the door. ''Come in.'' Sherlock shouted. The door opened and Mycroft walked in. ''Hello brother dear!'' He saw Rosie sitting in John's old chair and smiled. ''I didn't know that you had company tonight.'' Rosie immediately stopped playing and gave Mycroft a hug. Sherlock rolled his eyes and shoved the Cluedo board back underneath his chair. ''It's good to see you too Rosie!'' Mycroft said as he lifted her for a proper hug. ''What are you doing here, Mycroft?'' Sherlock asked, breaking the sweet moment they were having. Mycroft placed Rosie back on the chair she had been sitting on and straightened his suit. ''I'm afraid that I have some bad news.'' He said, smirking. Sherlock turned his head to Rosie but she was too busy with her stuffed animals to care about their conversation. ''That drug dealer of yours. What was his name again? Oh right, Billy! They found his body yesterday. Drug overdose.'' Mycroft said, looking quite pleased with himself. Sherlock sighed and focused on Rosie again. Mycroft sighed, he didn't approve of Sherlock's drug abuse but he knew that he wouldn't listen to him. ''We'll talk about it later, brother mine.'' Mycroft decided, he stroked Rosie's hair and left.

''Why is Myc leaving so soon?'' She asked. Sherlock knew how much Mycroft hated it when people used nicknames but he never corrected Rosie. ''Work.'' Sherlock answered. She nodded in understanding and continued playing with her stuffed animals.

They sat there for about an hour. Rosie played with her toys and Sherlock went to his mind palace to distract himself. He needed drugs but Billy was dead and he couldn't leave the apartment while Rosie was still there. He sighed and opened his eyes. He glanced at the clock, it was getting late so that meant bedtime for Rosie. He stood up and picked her up, holding her tightly against his chest, so she wouldn't be able to escape. Rosie giggled, she liked it when people carried her. ''Bedtime.'' Sherlock said, smirking. The little girl's smile immediately disappeared when he said that. Sherlock decided that she would sleep in his bed, he wasn't planning to sleep anyway. He placed her on his bed and went back to grab her clothes and the book.

He went back to the bedroom and Rosie wasn't sitting on his bed anymore. Sherlock rolled his eyes, he knew this game. He walked over to his closet and opened the doors. ''I'm not tired.'' She protested as Sherlock carried her back to the bed. He handed her the clothes but she didn't move. ''Put the clothes on.'' Sherlock demanded. She shook her head and crossed her arms. She looked so much like John when she did this, just as stubborn. ''Please.'' Sherlock added. Mini-John still didn't move, so Sherlock decided to take action.

After a few minutes, or maybe 20 minutes of struggling, Sherlock finally managed to dress her. He tucked her in and got up to leave the room but Rosie stopped him. ''Read.'' She demanded. Sherlock sighed but obeyed and got in the bed as well. 'The Little Red Hen' was the title. Sherlock opened the book and began to read it out loud.

''Once upon a time, there was a little red hen who lived on a farm. She was friends with a lazy dog, a sleepy cat, and a noisy yellow duck. One day the little red hen found some seeds on the ground. The little red hen had an idea. She would plant the seeds.'' Sherlock paused and looked at Rosie. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow. Sherlock closed the book and wrapped his arm around the small child. She snuggled closer to Sherlock as he stroked her hair. Sherlock was never really fond of children but he loved this little girl so much. He wrapped the blanket around himself and made sure that Rosie was still covered with it as well. He closed his eyes and fell asleep as he held her.


John got out of the cab and walked over to his old apartment. He would never admit it but he missed living with Sherlock, despite all his experiments and the body parts in the fridge. He entered the building and climbed up the stairs. He knocked on the door but it was silent on the other side. He slowly opened it and peered inside. He saw Sherlock's coat and scarf hanging on the coat rack, so he was here. Sherlock never left the apartment without them. He made his way to the bedroom and held his breath as he opened the door. He didn't want to wake Rosie if she was still asleep. John didn't know what he saw when he stepped inside. Sherlock had his arm around Rosie's shoulder and her head was resting on his chest. They were both asleep and they looked adorable. John slowly grabbed his phone from his pocket and took a picture. He walked over to Sherlock and tried to wake him up. ''Hey, Sherlock. Wake up!'' The detective opened his eyes and looked at John. It took a while before he realised why John was standing in his bedroom. ''John! You're back! How was your date with Mary?'' Sherlock's hair was a mess and he looked tired. ''It was great! Did you enjoy yourself?'' John asked, grinning. Rosie opened her eyes. ''Hello.'' She said sleepily. Sherlock tried to get up but she wouldn't let him. ''Did you sleep well, sweetie?'' John asked his daughter. Rosie nodded and rested her head on Sherlock's chest again.

''Thank you, Sherlock.'' John said. They were all sitting in the living room. Sherlock and John were drinking tea and Rosie was eating a biscuit. Sherlock smiled and waved his hand in the air. ''It was no problem.'' He said dismissively. John smiled and Sherlock smiled too. It was just like the old days. Sherlock and John together at Baker Street, drinking tea and talking. Rosie packed her suitcase as soon as she finished eating her biscuit and sat on Sherlock's lap.

They sat like that for a few hours. Rosie braided Sherlock's hair and put small pink bows in his dark curls. John took a picture and Sherlock tried to delete it but John knew Sherlock better than that and wouldn't let him. John and Rosie left after a while and Sherlock was alone again. He removed the pink bows and the braids from his hair and sat down in his chair again. ''Children aren't that bad.'' He mumbled to himself. He closed his eyes and went back to his Mind Palace.

Not bad at all.

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