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Requested by NoImNotMishaCollins 

I hope you all enjoy this oneshot! ♥


Today was the day. You were going to introduce your boyfriend to your father. You had been trying to keep your relationship a secret from him, but he eventually deduced it and demanded to meet your boyfriend. You knew that going against your father wasn't an option, so you called your boyfriend and invited him to dinner at 221B.

You and Tom hadn't been dating for a very long time, but you really liked him and he seemed to really like you too. You cared for him a lot and you hoped that your father wouldn't scare him off like he usually did.

You checked your make-up and hair in the mirror one last time before heading to the living room, waiting for Tom's arrival. Your boyfriend was great, there were many good things about him, but he also had a tendency of being late all the time. However, he had promised to not be late this time. He really wanted to make a good impression on your father.

Someone knocked on the door and you jumped up. You were about to open the door when you saw your father grabbing a gun in the corner of your eye. ''Dad, no!'' You ran over to him and took the gun from him. ''You promised not to shoot him!'' You protested. He rolled his eyes but didn't try to grab the gun from you. ''Be nice.'' You said. You put the gun in the desk drawer before opening the door. ''Hi, Tom.'' You greeted, smiling brightly. ''Hi, Honey.'' Tom said, kissing your cheek. You blushed slightly and allowed him to enter the flat. ''Tom, this is my father, Sherlock Holmes.'' You introduced. Tom attempted to shake his hand, but Sherlock refused. ''It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Holmes.'' Tom said awkwardly.

''Get out.'' Sherlock said. He seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside he was exploding with rage. ''Dad!'' You hissed. ''This boy is cheating on you, (Y/N). It's not hard to deduce, you would have been able to see it too if you weren't blinded by love.'' Sherlock said. Tears welled up in your eyes as you attempted to swallow the lump in your throat. You couldn't believe that Tom was cheating on you. ''I-I should go.'' Tom stuttered. He immediately rushed out of the flat, leaving you to cry on your own. Sherlock stood up and attempted to hug you, but you pushed him away. ''Why do you always do this?!'' You yelled. Sherlock was stunned, he helped you and now you were angry at him. ''Darling, I was trying to be nice and saving you the pain of heartbreak.'' He defended. ''That was not nice, dad!'' You cried. Sherlock reached out to touch you but you took a step back and shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks. You weren't just upset because Sherlock had scared off yet another boy, but also because Tom cheated on you. You finally allowed yourself to trust someone, and then he did that!

''Don't touch me, dad. I don't want to see you ever again!'' You yelled. You grabbed your coat and rushed out of the flat, leaving Sherlock with pain in his chest and tears in his eyes. 

You ran and ran until your legs couldn't do it any longer. You let yourself fall onto a bench and cried your eyes out, not caring that people were able to see you. How could Tom hurt you like this? Why couldn't your father just listen to you for once? You didn't want to go back home, but you didn't know where else to go. You could go to John and Mary's house, but they would most likely call Sherlock and take you home. You didn't want that. You continued sobbing as snow started to fall from the grey sky. You didn't care that you were cold, it was exactly how you felt on the inside.

''(Y/N)? What are you doing here by yourself?'' You looked up and met the eyes of your uncle. You wiped the tears from your eyes and attempted to make it look like everything was fine, but Mycroft wasn't buying it. ''Did you and your father have a disagreement?'' He asked, sitting down next to you. More snow was falling and Mycroft opened his umbrella and held it above you two. Instead of answering, you started crying again. Mycroft took his scarf off and carefully wrapped it around your neck, seeing that you were cold.

''Come on. Let's get you home.'' He said. ''No, I never want to go home again.'' You protested. Mycroft sighed, he didn't know what to do. ''It hurts, uncle Myc.'' You sniffed. ''I know.'' He said softly. ''What was his name?'' Mycroft asked, deducing that a guy had broken your heart. ''Tom Silverstone.'' You answered, not caring if he'd get in trouble. ''Listen, Darling. There will be many people who will hurt you in your life. That's just the way it is. But there will always be people who love you and who want to help you. Sherlock and myself are two of those people. I know that Sherlock might take the wrong approach to certain things, but he wants what's best for you. And Tom was most certainly not the best for you.'' You sighed, you knew that Mycroft was right. You suddenly felt bad for yelling at your dad, and you wanted to go home and give him a tight hug.

''I want to go home.'' You decided. Mycroft nodded and stood up, keeping the umbrella above your heads as you started walking back to 221B Baker Street. You took a shortcut, so it didn't take long before you were walking up the stairs to your flat again. Mycroft had closed his umbrella and used it to knock on the door, one hand on your shoulder. The door opened and Sherlock sighed in relief at the sight of you. ''Thank goodness you're safe.''

You rushed forward and wrapped your arms around Sherlock's middle, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head lovingly. ''I'm sorry, dad.'' You mumbled into his chest. ''It's okay, Darling. I understand.'' He whispered. You both let go of each other and you entered the flat, Mycroft right behind you. ''I assume that Tom won't get away with this unpunished?'' Sherlock said to his older brother. Mycroft smirked and shook his head. ''Already taken care of, brother dear.'' He said.

You sat down on the couch, next to your dad, and rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and held you close, afraid that he might lose his daughter again if he let go. ''You'll find a boy who will love you and treat you right, Darling. I'll make sure of it.'' He whispered. You nodded sleepily and closed your eyes. ''Just don't shoot every boy that doesn't.'' You said, starting to doze off. ''I'm not making any promises.''

Sherlock kissed the top of your head a few times and you fell asleep, your father's arms securely around you. He was going to protect you for the rest of his life.

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