A Day In The Life Of Moran

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Requested by RoseMoriarty_ 

I hope I lived up to your expectations. Let me know in the comments what you all think of this oneshot, it'd be greatly appreciated. I can use all the feedback I can get. I love you all and thank you so much for reading, voting and simply for being here! ♥


Jim sighed, rubbing his temples. He was awfully bored and had been for ages. He loved his job a lot, it had always been an excellent way of expressing and entertaining himself, but lately, he was starting to get sick of sitting behind a desk all day and staring at the endless amount of paperwork. He missed the active part of his job, the part he let his employees do more and more often because he was simply too busy to do it himself. Being a successful criminal took a lot more effort than he initially thought, but he did love it. He just needed one day out on the field again and then he'd be fine behind his desk again for a while.

The consulting criminal glanced at a stack of paperwork laying on the desk and he bit his lip. It was just one day. He could get one day, right? ''Screw it.'' He muttered to himself. He swiftly turned around, grabbed his coat and favourite gun before rushing outside. ''MORAN!'' He shouted. Sebastian immediately came rushing down the stairs, towards his boss and lover. ''Yes, Jim?'' He questioned, panting slightly. ''I need you to do something for me.'' Jim started. Sebastian shot the consulting criminal a quizzical look, not knowing where this was going. Nevertheless, he allowed Jim to continue. ''I need a day away from the office. I want a day in the life of Sebastian Moran, so take me outside and entertain me.'' The consulting criminal finished. ''Aren't you like crazy busy?'' Seb wondered, raising an eyebrow. Jim shot him a glare. ''Did I tell you to ask questions, Moran?'' He hissed. The man shook his head playfully and pressed a quick kiss on Moriarty's cheek before quickly gathering his things. ''Ready, Love?'' He asked once he got everything and was ready to go. ''I'm always more than ready, Seb.''

''So, what are we doing first?'' Jim asked his employee. ''You gave me the assignment to kill the former Detective Inspector of Scotland Yard because he annoyed you, remember? That's where we're headed now.'' He answered, polishing his guns and checking if everything was in a good condition. An evil smirk spread on Jim's face. ''I'll relieve you of your job, Sebby. I'll kill him.'' Moran rolled his eyes and shrugged. ''Do whatever you feel like.'' Jim chuckled and briefly placed his hand on top of Sebastian's. ''I always do whatever I feel like, Dear. I am the one and only consulting criminal after all.'' He stated. Sebastian smirked and leant in closer, speaking in a hushed tone, ''Keep the dirty talk for in the bedroom, boss.''

''I feel so alive!'' Jim exclaimed, grinning widely as he threw the guns in Seb's bag. He had killed the man who had annoyed him mercilessly. He hadn't personally killed someone in ages and he realised how much he truly missed it. He really didn't want to go back to his desk and sign paperwork, this was so much more fun! 

Moran grinned and wiped some blood off of Jim's cheek with his thumb. ''And this is only the beginning of the day in my life.'' He grinned devilishly. Jim growled, finding it hard to keep some proper distance between the two of them. The man was simply irresistible. ''What's next?'' He asked, trying to hide the lust from seeping into his voice and failing miserably. ''Well, usually after I finish one of your jobs and kill someone, I head outside to smoke a cigarette.'' The sniper answered. He tried to hide the grin forming on his face, but he was simply too amused by Jim's eagerness. ''A cigarette, huh? Alright, let's do it.'' The consulting criminal decided. ''But you don't smoke.'' Sebastian pointed out, slightly confused. Jim scoffed. ''I smoke every day, Seb. You're just too blind to notice. Give me one of those... things and let's get on with it.''

The duo stood outside, both a cigarette between their fingers. Seb raised his to his lips and lit his with his lighter. He inhaled deeply and then blew some smoke from his mouth. ''That's the good stuff.'' He sighed contently. Jim seemed a little unsure but he, too, raised the cigarette to his mouth and held it close to his partner so he could light it for him. Moran eyed his lover suspiciously as he lit the cigarette. ''You sure you smoke every day?'' He wondered. ''I'm a consulting criminal, Sebby. Of course, I smoke.'' Jim replied, huffing dramatically. ''Yeah, it's just that you're holding the cigarette wrong.'' Moran laughed. ''Oh, shut up, Sebastian.'' Jim hissed.

He inhaled deeply and attempted to imitate his partner by blowing out some smoke, but it only resulted in a huge coughing fit. Jim dropped the cigarette as he coughed uncontrollably. He clutched his chest and tried to breathe properly which only made things worse. Sebastian was quick to react and gently slapped his partner's back, trying to get him to stop coughing. ''BURN YOU...'' Jim managed to yell some words between the painful coughs. ''I think the cigarette burnt you, Love.'' Moran laughed, earning a slap in the face.

Jim finally managed to take some deep breaths and the coughing fit soon ceased to nothing. He leant against the wall, catching his breath and glaring at Moran. ''You're quitting smoking. It's evil.'' He panted. ''I thought you said you had smoked before.'' Seb taunted, grinning widely. ''Oh, come on, Jim.'' He laughed, seeing the angry look on Jim's face. ''I still love you even if you can't smoke.'' 

''I'm going to kill you,'' Moriarty muttered, still leaning against the wall of the abandoned building. ''We both know you won't'' Sebastian countered. ''You love me too much.'' Jim snorted and shrugged. He was right after all. 

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