The Brother

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You were walking through the streets of London when your phone started ringing. ''There is a security camera on the building to your left.'' You heard an unfamiliar say. ''Who's this?'' You asked. ''Do you see the camera miss (Y/L/N)?'' The unknown man asked. You turned left and saw the camera. ''Yes.'' You said hesitantly. ''Watch, there is another camera on the building opposite you. Do you see it?'' He continued. ''Yes.'' You responded, confused. ''And finally, at the top of the building on your right.'' The voice said as you followed the movements of the cameras. ''How are you doing this?'' You asked excitedly. Get into the car miss (Y/L/N). I would make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you.'' The man hung up the phone and a black car pulled over and you got in. Inside was a woman typing on her phone. ''Hi?'' You said questionably. ''Hello.'' She responded without looking away from her phone. ''What's your name?'' You asked. ''Anthea.'' She said after thinking for a few seconds. ''Could you please tell me where I'm going whatever your name really is.'' You said getting angry now but she ignored you. After a few minutes, the car stopped driving and you got out. You were standing in some sort of abandoned garage type of place and standing there was a tall man in a suit with brown-reddish hair. ''Very clever sir.'' You said with a smirk. ''You don't seem very afraid.'' The strange man pointed out. ''You don't seem to be very frightening.'' You responded, the smirk never leaving your face. ''What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?'' He asked out of the blue. ''I think you know what my connection to Sherlock is but I'm willing to play your game. He's my boyfriend. He has been for a few months now.'' You answered. ''I answered your question now you answer one of mine. Who are you?'' You noticed the man's eyes scanning you and he seemed oddly similar to Sherlock. ''I am the closest thing to a friend that Sherlock Holmes is capable of having.'' He said confidently. ''And what might that be?'' You asked, getting very interested right now. ''An enemy.'' You raised your eyebrows and tried to deduce him, something that you had gotten very good at ever since you started dating Sherlock. ''If you were to ask him, he'd probably say his arch-enemy.'' He continued. ''Tell me your name.'' You demanded. ''Let's make a deal.'' He said. ''You give me information on Sherlock Holmes and I'll pay you a lot of money. Every month.'' He continued. ''I do not want your money now tell me your name.'' You said through gritted teeth. The man didn't speak and you sighed. ''Listen, I care for Sherlock very much and I'm willing to do everything I can to protect him from harm. If it's true what you're saying and you really are his arch enemy then I'm not going to give you any information.'' You said getting really tired of being here. ''The name's Mycroft. Mycroft Holmes.'' He finally answered.

This was not going according to Mycroft's plan but he didn't mind this time. You were quite impressing and he could see why Sherlock liked you enough to start a relationship with you. ''Holmes? You are his brother?'' You asked disbelievingly. ''Indeed I am.'' He said calmly. ''Well then Mycroft. I don't know why the relationship between you and your brother is so complicated that he would call you his arch enemy but I believe that you care for him and that you, as well as I, would do anything to protect him. So let's make a new deal. Why don't you visit the apartment soon and I'll tell you anything you need to know.'' You finished your small speech with a smile and turned around and left the building. You hailed a cab and told the cabbie the address. 

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