Mycroft Knows Best

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Requested by J_R_Bones 

I hope you all enjoy this imagine. The GIF had to be included. Can we all agree he looks mighty fine in that scene. He smokes like the absolute boss he is ;)


''Mycroft?'' You called. You heard footsteps descending the stairs and soon your husband was by your side, arms wrapped around your waist. He stared at you lovingly, a content smile on his face. You were the woman responsible for the happiness the government official felt. Standing on the tip of your toes, you kissed him briefly. ''Sherlock called.'' You started. Mycroft groaned and pulled you against him as much as your growing stomach allowed. ''Must we talk about my little brother on this rare, peaceful day?'' You rolled your eyes and ignored his comment, continuing. ''He needs help on a case he's working on and he invited me to come to the crime scene to assist him.'' Mycroft stared at you, incredulous. ''Absolutely not.'' He stated. ''Oh, come on, Myc!'' You whined. He shook his head, not planning on giving in. ''Darling, you're six months pregnant. You need to rest and take good care of yourself. Running around on a crime scene all day is not a good idea and you know that, too.'' He concluded. ''Myc, I love you and I think it's cute how protective you are—'' He glared at you. ''No! Let me finish.'' You warned. He sighed, but kept his mouth shut. He would never admit it, but you intimidated him sometimes. ''I hate sitting home the entire day. You are always gone and I'm here alone. I need some legwork and I promise I'll be careful. Besides, Sherlock is going to bug you until he solves the case and I know you're not looking forward to that either.''

Your husband looked down at your protruding stomach and back up at your eyes. He knew you hated sitting and not being able to go to crime scenes like you did before you got pregnant, but he had no clue how much it got to you. You were always the active one of the two and now you couldn't do that anymore for another three months. He sighed, he was ready to give in. ''Alright, fine.'' He decided reluctantly. You smiled brightly and cupped his face, kissing him. ''Thank you, Love.'' You muttered against his lips. ''I want you to text me as often as you can and tell Sherlock that I'll have his head if he doesn't take good care of you.'' You nodded, pecking his lips once more before grabbing your coat and putting it on. ''Darling,'' Mycroft called, stopping you from heading out. ''Yeah?'' You said, turning around. ''I love you. Be safe.'' The look of concern on his face melted your heart and the racing hormones created tears in your eyes. You nodded. ''I love you, too, Myc.'' You waved one last time and blew him a kiss before getting inside one of his cars. The chauffeur already knew where you were headed and immediately took off.

''(Y/N), you made it!'' Sherlock exclaimed, kissing your cheeks, greeting you. ''Mycroft wasn't having it, but I managed to persuade him.'' You laughed. ''He's a softy when it comes to you.'' Sherlock grinned. ''Now, come on, let's solve this case.'' You followed him to the body, trying to keep up with his fast pace. Exhaustion was already getting to you, but you ignored it. You were already having fun and you weren't going to let this baby ruin it. ''Looks like she died from the stab wound in her stomach.'' You deduced. Sherlock hummed in agreement, crouching beside the body to take a closer look. Standing up was basically the only position you were capable of in that situation, so that's what you went for.

Sherlock waved his hand in front of your face, getting your attention. ''Are you alright?'' He wondered, concerned about your wellbeing. You nodded and focussed on the body again. ''Are you sure, (Y/N)? You keep zoning out and you don't notice when someone's talking to you.'' He stated. ''I'm fine, Sherlock.'' You lied, waving dismissively. That was far from the truth. Waves of dizziness washed over you and you were having trouble maintaining your balance. You were exhausted from walking quite a bit, but you refused to let it get to you. Mycroft would never shut up about it or let you out again if you'd let on you weren't feeling well. You hated proving him right. 

The dizziness got worse and your knees buckled. Sherlock managed to catch you just before you hit the ground and laid you down on your side. ''(Y/N)?'' He called, panicking slightly. ''I'm texting Mycroft.'' He decided after you didn't respond. ''N-No.'' You protested weakly. You saw how Sherlock hurriedly typed on his phone before you blacked out.

Mycroft arrived at the scene within five minutes. He wasn't an idiot, he stayed close to where you were just in case. Oh, how glad he was he did. ''You were supposed to look after her!'' Mycroft yelled at Sherlock as he stormed over to the two of you. ''It was hardly my fault!'' Sherlock argued. ''She insisted she was doing fine.'' Mycroft crouched down beside you, cradling your head on his lap. ''You know how stubborn she is!'' He yelled angrily. 

He ignored his younger brother and turned to you again, gaze softening. ''Wake up, Darling.'' He said softly, stroking your hair. ''I'm never letting you out again.'' He mumbled to himself, mentally making a note of his statement. 

You moaned softly and opened your eyes, blinking rapidly. ''There she is.'' Mycroft smiled softly as you stared up at him. ''What happened?'' You mumbled. ''Oh, I'll tell you what happened. I was right that's what.'' Mycroft stated. You rolled your eyes, immediately regretting that decision when pain erupted in your head. You groaned, burying your face in his waistcoat.

Mycroft felt guilty. Not just for letting you go out on your own while knowing it was risky, but also for the uncomfortableness you had to go through every single day. Pregnancy was not something you two had planned, but you welcomed it with open arms when you discovered the surprise. Mycroft was thrilled, but weary. He knew a baby would mean changing your life styles, but you seemed willing to do so and after thinking about it, he concluded that he, too, was willing to sacrifice his way of life for the new addition to your small family.

''I'm taking you home.'' Mycroft sighed, slowly getting up and helping you up as well. You leant against him as he slowly guided you to the awaiting car. He briefly turned to Sherlock. ''I'll have a word with you later.'' He hissed. You were too out of it to notice, but Sherlock had never looked so terrified in his life, something Mycroft would always cherish. 

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