Under My Umbrella

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Warning: Attempted rape! 

You were headed to the house of your boyfriend, you wanted to get there as soon as possible because it was getting dark and rain was expected. You had the strange feeling that someone was following you but when you looked behind you, no one was there. Suddenly two very strong arms pulled you into an alley, you tried to scream for help but a hand covered your mouth. You bit the hand as hard as you could but it didn't let go. You were pushed against the wall and your hands were tightly held and you felt extremely helpless. ''You're so hot.'' A very deep man voice said. He started kissing you and you tries to pull back but you couldn't move he was too strong. You started to cry as his hand started undoing the buttons of your shirt while the other hand made sure you weren't able to move. ''Stop!'' You yelled. He continued kissing and undressing you and you were fighting to escape but it was no point. ''Stop please! I don't want this, let me go!'' You yelled even louder. The man's kisses got rougher and he silenced you and forced his tongue in your mouth. He tasted like alcohol and cigarettes and you wanted to puke. ''Let me go!'' You yelled as soon as he pulled away to catch his breath. ''Now why would I want to do that princess?'' He said. You couldn't see his face it was too dark. ''Don't call me th-'' The man cut you off again by forcing disgusting kisses on your lips. You were crying and still trying to escape but nothing worked. You tried to kick him but his legs held your legs in place. His hands slowly made their way down your waist and started to undo your belt. Finally you managed to free your hands and you punched him in the face while tears kept flowing. That made him really angry and before you had the opportunity to run away he slapped you and you fell to the ground. This man was really strong and your vision got blurry. You closed your eyes and prepared for another punch but it didn't come. You carefully opened your eyes and saw that the man was taking pictures of you with his phone. ''Stop!'' You yelled as you mustered all your strength to get up and throw the phone away. He slapped you again and you couldn't get up again.

''Leave her alone!'' You heard a familiar voice shout. You tried to open your eyes but your jaw hurt so much and you were mentally and emotionally exhausted. ''It's alright (Y/N) I got you.'' The voice said. You felt that you were being lifted from the ground and you managed to open your eyes. ''Mycroft?'' You sobbed. ''Hush now darling. You're save now.'' He whispered. You started crying even more and your entire body was shaking. ''You were late and I got worried so I went looking for you. I'm so glad that I did darling.'' He said softly. You could hear the emotions in his voice something that he rarely allowed himself to do. You slowly lifted your head from his shoulder to look at this face. A single tear rolled down his cheek and it made you cry again. ''I'm so sorry Mycroft.'' You sobbed. Mycroft didn't say anything he was to wrapped up in keeping you safe. A bright white light filled the sky and was followed by a loud thunder. It started to rain rather heavily. ''Can you stand darling? I don't want us getting wet.'' He said. You nodded and he carefully placed you on the ground. Your legs were shaking violently but he wrapped his arm around your waist to steady you while he opened his umbrella and held it above your heads. Slowly you two walked to his house, you couldn't walk very well and you didn't know why. Mycroft was a very patient man so he didn't mind that it took so long. Eventually you made it and he scooped you up again and carried you to the couch. You were still silently sobbing but the warmth of his house made you feel a little better. He left the room and quickly returned with blankets tea and one of his shirts to keep you warm. You looked at your own clothing and saw that it was ripped apart and it barely covered your body anymore. You started to cry louder again and Mycroft pulled you in for a hug. ''I should be the one to apologize (Y/N). I should've just sent a car to pick you up and none of this would've happened.'' He said as he stroked your hair. After a few minutes he pulled away and took the remainder of your clothes off until you were just in your underwear. He dressed you with his shirt that was way too big for you but comfy. ''Lay down for a minute darling I need to check your injuries.'' He said sweetly. You did as you were told and he started to examine you. ''I'm afraid that you have a concussion and a few bruises.'' He said after a while. ''You're going to have to rest for a few days. You can stay here I want to keep an eye on you.'' He leaned forward and softly kissed you. You flinched when his lips touched yours and he pulled away. ''Sorry I didn't mean to.'' You said as you started crying again. ''Darling it's fine. I shouldn't have done that after what happened tonight.'' He said. He helped you sit up and handed you your tea. ''Drink it, it will make you feel better.'' You took the cup and drank the tea. You handed Mycroft the cup after you emptied it and he carefully pushed you back on the sofa cushions. You were suddenly very dizzy and tried to sit up but Mycroft wouldn't allow you. ''Mycroft?'' You said with fear in your voice. ''It's alright darling just go to sleep. I'll be here the entire time.'' He said as he took your hand in his. Your eyes fell shut and you quickly fell asleep. As soon as your breathing slowed down, Mycroft got up and covered you with a blanket before grabbing his phone from his pocket and making a few calls to get rid of the man who did that horrible thing to the woman he loved so much.


You woke up and realised that you were no longer on the couch but in a bed instead. You tiredly looked next to you and smiled when you saw Mycroft sleeping next to you. You had never been in his bedroom before even though you have been dating for quite a while now. You were very thirsty so you got out of bed and slowly made your way to the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. You grabbed a blue cup and tried to fill it with water but your hands were shaking so much and your head hurt and you dropped the cup and fell to the floor. Seconds later Mycroft rushed inside and picked you up and carried you back to his bed again. ''I told you to rest.'' He said sternly but with care. ''Sorry.'' You mumbled as you covered yourself with the warm red blanket. ''I have to go to work in a few hours but I will only be gone for three hours.'' He said as he too got in the bed and wrapped his arms around you. ''I love you.'' You whispered. Mycroft was slightly shocked for a second, you had never said it before and he had said it once while you were sleeping. ''I love you too (Y/N).'' He replied. He kissed your forehead and you fell asleep. 

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