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Requested by the_Writing_Bear 

So this is my first attempt for a SuperWhoLock one shot. It's really bad. I can't write crossovers. I hope I still entertain you. I'M SO CLOSE TO 90K READS!! Thank you so much everyone. You mean the world to me ♥♥♥


''Sherlock Holmes!'' The Doctor exclaimed, grinning widely. ''Doctor!'' Sherlock greeted with a smile on his face. They briefly shook hands while John was still staring at the blue box that just appeared from nowhere. ''It's been a long time, Doctor,'' Sherlock stated. ''I've only been gone for three minutes!'' He argued. The man and the Time Lord laughed as John seemed to be frozen in confusion. ''Is that the doctor you were talking about?'' The Time Lord asked Sherlock. ''Yes, that's John Watson. I guess he's a little... surprised.'' The detective replied, snickering. ''How?!'' John exclaimed, eyes like saucers. The Doctor laughed and patted John's shoulder. ''I'll explain it to you once we get inside.'' He said.

The three of them went inside the TARDIS and John nearly fainted. ''It's bigger on the inside! How can it be bigger on the inside?!'' He yelled, panicking. ''Still better than your first reaction.'' The Doctor mumbled to Sherlock. The consulting detective rolled his eyes and ignored the Time Lord's comment. ''Calm down, John.'' He said. ''HOW ARE YOU NOT SURPRISED?!'' the ex-army doctor yelled. ''I've been on cases with the Doctor before,'' Sherlock smirked. ''Doctor who?'' John asked, completely confused.

''No, it's just the Doctor.'' The Doctor interrupted. ''I'll explain the situation to you, doctor Watson. This is a time machine, the TARDIS. I'm a Time Lord. I can travel anywhere in time and space.'' He explained. ''I still don't get it.'' John sighed. ''It's just a bunch of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.'' The Doctor said. ''Oh, that makes sense.'' The blogger decided. ''Are we going on this case or not, Doctor?'' Sherlock sighed. ''Yes!'' He answered, throwing his hands in the air. ''GERONIMO!'' He exclaimed, pulling levers and pressing buttons.

''Where exactly are we going?'' John wondered. ''To an alternative universe. Two brothers are in need of some help.'' The Doctor explained. ''Tell me more about them and the case,'' Sherlock demanded. ''Their names are Sam and Dean Winchester. They hunt on supernatural creatures to keep the people safe. They recently started working on a new case, but they can't seem to figure it out. That's why they asked me for help.'' The Time Lord answered. ''S-Supernatural creatures?'' John stuttered. ''Exciting, isn't it?'' The Doctor exclaimed, a huge and childish grin on his face.

They arrived at the motel where the Winchesters were currently staying at. The TARDIS landed in the middle of the room. ''Doctor! It's good you're here. More people have died and we really need to figure out who or what is doing this.'' Dean said as soon as the door of the TARDIS opened. ''That's why I brought two experts to help you.'' The Doctor stated, smiling. ''Dean, Sam, this is Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.'' He introduced. Sherlock and John got out of the TARDIS and stood in front of the hunters.

''Hold on a second.'' Sam interrupted. ''Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?'' He asked. The Doctor nodded. ''Obviously,'' Sherlock said, rolling his eyes. ''You mean the book characters.'' Dean chimed in. ''Book characters?'' John asked, confused. ''Oh, yes! This is an alternative universe. You two are book characters here!'' The Doctor explained to the crime solving duo. Sherlock nodded in understanding and John was studying his hands to check if he was actually real or not. ''It's an honour to meet you in the flesh, sir,'' Sam said, shaking Sherlock's hand. ''Tell me about the case.'' The detective demanded. ''Oh, it's a good one, Mr Holmes.''

Sam and Dean explained the whole situation and by the end of it, John was even more confused and Sherlock had already figured it out. ''What do you think, Mr Holmes?'' Sam asked. ''Sherlock, please.'' The detective said before answering. ''Have you heard of the demon Crowley?'' Sam and Dean looked at each other before nodding. ''He's the one you're looking for,'' Sherlock stated simply. ''H-How do you know Crowley?'' Dean wondered.

''In our universe, you two are the main characters of a TV-show and I've already seen this season.'' He said, smirking. ''Since when do you watch telly?'' John asked his best friend. ''I was bored.'' The detective defended. ''Well, it was nice to meet you all. I'll be going back to Baker Street now.'' Sherlock concluded. ''Can we, uh, come as well?'' Sam asked shyly. Sherlock raised an eyebrow. ''Why?'' Sam blushed a little. ''I'm a huge fan of the books and I've always wanted to be a part of it.'' He admitted. ''I don't see why not.'' Sherlock shrugged.

''What are you all waiting for?! Get inside the TARDIS!'' 

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