Best Friend Competition

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Requested by MariWhoLock

My summer holiday has officially started, so hopefully, that means more updates on both this book and my SherlockxReader book! I will also be rewriting my two other books (since they're awful) but I don't know when that will happen yet. 

I am going to try to update as often as I can. However, I am going away a few times, including a two-week holiday to Italy! So if you're there, perhaps I'll see you XD. I hope you all enjoy this oneshot! Have a lovely day, everyone ♥


You hurried out of the busy shop. The three huge plastic bags dangling on your arms made it nearly impossible for you to hail a cab but luckily, you managed to. You had to be quick if you wanted to beat Sherlock. He just couldn't win, you weren't going to let him. 

Ever since John and Mary met each other and started dating, you and the detective were in a constant battle with one another. It didn't go by unnoticed by the Watsons, but they usually kept their mouths shut about the whole ordeal, fearing that it would cause an even bigger fight. They weren't really sure what exactly made you hate Sherlock so much and the other way around. You two despised each other so much that you could barely be in the same room without throwing insult after insult at each other. The atmosphere you brought along with your pathetic feud had ruined lots of dinners and parties John and Mary had organised, and it had even caused the four of you to have been thrown out of a couple of restaurants, accompanied by a permanent ban. The hateful attitude both you and Sherlock carried around when you were in one another's presence often got so bad that John was forced to separate you. It was like you and the sociopath were the children they didn't even have yet. To the Watsons, it was incredibly annoying to deal with constantly and to the two of you, it was a constant fight that often went way too far.

Now the reason behind the burning hate you felt for the detective and likewise was probably the most pathetic one anyone had ever heard. If John and Mary would find out what the true reason behind your feud was, they'd laugh at you and call you insane, which wasn't at all undeserved for either of you. The whole chain of fights and arguments came down to one thing; friendship. 

You had been Mary's best friend for nearly three years. The two of you had been inseparable ever since she moved to the big city. Sherlock had met John around the same time you met your best friend and- call it a coincidence- after a few years, they met each other. That, of course, caused you and Sherlock to meet at one point as well. Both John and Mary thought that the two of you would become great friends since you were quite similar to one another, but what actually happened was the exact opposite. Almost immediately, the insults began. It was a hunger to show how powerful each of you was. You were trying to drive Sherlock away while he attempted to do the same to you. It was pathetic, really, but it kept going on for nearly a year.

Sherlock used to be quite the lonely and isolated man. His situation and yours were very much alike, so when you two finally found people to share a friendship with and actually be loved by someone, it quickly became addictive and sometimes even possessive. Both of you wanted to prove to your best friends that you were the best person and the best companion they would ever be able to have. This useless need to convince John and Mary of that involved many expensive gifts they didn't need, always offering to go with them to parties and dinner dates, never skipping the chance to come over and hang out and always- and I mean always take every opportunity you could to complement them and make them feel special. It was exhausting for you and Sherlock and incredibly weird at first for John and Mary. It was like you and the detective were two new persons and after a brief phase of liking this new development and enjoying the attention and praise, John and Mary quickly grew bored of it. But, of course, that went by completely unnoticed by you two, and you kept going, hoping to win the title of 'the best-est friend of all time'.

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