Love At First Sight

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This was requested by @YourMumsChestHairLOL 

I hope you all enjoy this MycroftxReader oneshot. And thank you so, so much for 25K reads! You're all amazing ♥ 

It was yet another awfully boring day at the office so I decided to do some tedious legwork and visited my younger brother. I knocked on the door of his flat and waited for it to open. ''Go away, Mycroft.'' I heard Sherlock shout before the sound of gunshots filled my ears. I sighed and was about to grab the key I had made when the door opened. A beautiful woman with (H/C) hair stood in the doorway. She had a kind smile on her face and her (E/C) eyes sparkled in the most beautiful way possible. I stared at her and accidentally let go of my umbrella. The sound that it made when it hit the floor, unfroze me and I started functioning normally again. She picked my umbrella up and gave it back to me, the smile never leaving her lips. ''You must be Mycroft.'' She said, chuckling. ''That's correct but I'm afraid that I don't know who you are.'' I replied. She reached her hand out for me to shake as she introduced herself. ''My name is (Y/N) Watson. I'm John's younger sister.'' I shook her hand and tried to keep my usual expressionless demeanour but something about this woman made it very difficult. ''I'll stop bothering you now. Sherlock is in his chair, like always.'' She stated. She let go of my hand and presumably went to her bedroom. I wanted to stop her but she was gone before I could comprehend what was going on.

''Why are you here, Mycroft?'' Sherlock sighed as I stepped inside of his flat, still thinking about (Y/N)'s hand in mine. Why did she have such an effect on me? The thoughts that haunted my mind were interrupted by my younger brother. ''You were thinking about something.'' He pointed out, a devious smirk playing on his lips. ''Yes, my brain is actually capable of thinking unlike yours.'' I shot back. Sherlock chuckled and shook his head. ''I never thought that I would live long enough to see this!'' He said, still grinning like an idiot. ''What are you talking about?'' I questioned. I knew what he was referring to, of course, but I wouldn't allow my younger brother to be able to see straight through me.

''You like (Y/N).'' Sherlock pointed out. I sometimes regret that I taught him how to deduce someone. ''I don't know what you're talking about, Sherlock.'' I said. ''I saw the way she looked at you and how she lingered to let go of your hand. I'd say she feels the same way. Ask her out.'' He continued. I felt my cheeks heating up but I managed to control it. ''I'm not here to ask (Y/N) out, I'm here to check if you're still clean.'' I said, trying to change the subject. ''I'm as clean as Mrs. Hudson's fridge.'' Sherlock joked. ''Drug addiction is a serious problem that you have suffered from for too long. So don't make jokes about it!'' Sherlock grabbed his violin and started playing an awful sounding melody. ''ASK HER OUT.'' He yelled, only just managing to make himself hearable. ''I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK!'' I yelled in return. I covered my ears and quickly made my way out of the flat and into the awaiting car.

A Few Days Later...

I sighed as I shoved the stack of paperwork to the side of my desk and moved on to the next one. But I just couldn't focus! (Y/N) was on my mind every single second of every single day. I loved it and I hated it. Deciding that I wouldn't be able to concentrate anyways, I got up and headed back to 221B. I needed an excuse to see her again so she wouldn't realise that I was there just to see her beautiful features.

The car stopped and I got out. I rushed upstairs and knocked on the door, just like I did a few days ago. ''Hi Mycroft!'' (Y/N) greeted happily. ''Are you here to talk to Sherlock again?'' I searched my brain for a good answer but my mind went blank as soon as I saw her. (Y/N) looked up at me expectantly as I continued to stare at her, forgetting how to speak. ''Are you all right, Mycroft?'' She asked. Her smile faded and was replaced by a worried expression. ''Yes, of course. I was just thinking, apologies.'' She smiled again and opened the door wider so I could enter. ''Sherlock isn't here at the moment but you're welcome to stay and wait for him. I could use some company.'' I hesitated for a few moments before entering the flat. ''How is living with my brother?'' I wondered. ''It's uh different.'' (Y/N) giggled. ''Your brother is very nice but he can be a little.... out of control.''

I stared at (Y/N) as she spoke about her past. I noticed the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about something she loved. I noticed the way her skin crinkled slightly when she laughed. I noticed everything about her. I was confused at first. Never had I noticed this with anyone else. But I soon realised what caused my odd behaviour. I was falling for (Y/N). The smile on my face didn't disappear for the entire afternoon. I forgot all about the troubles and the stress of work and just completely lost myself. She was the only thing on my mind.

''I thought I smelled cake on the way in. I wasn't wrong.'' Sherlock smirked as he entered his flat. I ignored his pitiful joke and kept smiling at (Y/N). ''Good evening, brother dear.'' I greeted. ''Hi Sherlock. How was the case?'' (Y/N) asked, a smile still on her face as she directed her attention to him. ''I solved it. It was quite dull to be honest. I see that you two had a nice day.'' He pointed out. ''Your brother is quite an interesting man, Sherlock.'' She replied, flashing me her beautiful smile and a wink. ''I'm surprised that you haven't asked her on a date yet, Mycroft.'' I nervously gripped my umbrella a little tighter and scratched the back of my neck. ''I was actually planning on doing that before you interrupted.'' I shot back. (Y/N) smiled and looked at her feet, a faint blush coating her cheeks. ''Go ahead then.'' Sherlock encouraged. I rolled my eyes and death glared my younger sibling.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and straightened my suit. (Y/N) raised her head ever so slightly and met my gaze. I gave her a small smile and asked, ''Would you like to accompany me to a restaurant tomorrow evening?'' She giggled and looked down at her feet again. ''I would love to.'' She answered. I smiled proudly and ignored Sherlock's laughing. ''I'll pick you up at six.'' I put my coat back on and exited the flat. The next day would be one of the best days I'd ever had. 

Sherlock Imagines and PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora