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This oneshot is a collab with ebba_explorer and you should definitely read her version as well since it's amazing! I had so much fun writing with her and I hope we'll do it more often. I hope you all enjoy this oneshot. Thank you so much for reading ♥


Sherlock stood in front of the book case, his eyes scanning the titles as he looked for something interesting to read. One book after another was shoved back in its place on the shelf, none of them caught his attention. His fingers slid across the leather bound books until he reached one that stood out from the others. It wasn't an old, dusty book like the others, instead it had a bright, blue cover and it seemed new. Sherlock had never seen that book in his life before and curiosity got the upper hand. He grabbed the book and opened it on the first page. The kind eyes of his boyfriend stared up at him and a smile spread on his face. A small note was written on the page. 'Dear, Sherlock.'' It read. 'This is a photo-album I created of our time together. I put it with the other books in hope you'd find it eventually. I hope reliving these memories brings you as much joy as it brings me. I love you – JW.' Sherlock sat down in his chair, the book on his lap. He turned the page and looked at the photographs as he thought back to that particular moment.


''Deep breaths.'' Sherlock reminded himself. He was beyond nervous. It didn't really matter that he had known John for ages, this was completely different. He would get to know John on a whole new level and John would see a side of Sherlock he had never shown anyone else. The idea of having their first date filled Sherlock with joy. He had been dreaming about this moment ever since he met his blogger, but never did he think it would come true. It seemed impossible. John was married to a woman and had a child with her, he didn't have time for Sherlock anymore. 

But then one major event changed their lives completely. Sherlock had supported John through the grieving period and soon the ex-army doctor started to develop feelings for Sherlock that were much stronger than friendship. They both couldn't deny their mutual connection any longer and that's how the idea of a first date came to mind. The situation they were in made it hard for Sherlock to be completely happy about the date. Thoughts lingering in the back of his mind told him this might just be a phase for John. Maybe he only started loving the detective because he felt so lonely after losing his wife. Sherlock didn't know and the only way of figuring it out was having this date and see where things would do.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made Sherlock abruptly turn around. He momentarily froze at the sight of John. His formal attire dazed Sherlock for a second, but he quickly regained his confidence and offered his arm. ''Shall we?'' He smirked. John blushed and linked his arm with the detective's as they entered the restaurant. Time seemed to fly as the duo enjoyed a meal together and talked. They shared jokes, talked about the first case they solved together, relived other happy memories and by the end of the night, Sherlock's feelings for John had multiplied. They were on their way home, deciding to walk the short distance. It was cold outside, but neither of them noticed. Tension and doubt crawled its way back into Sherlock's mind and he couldn't help but share his concerns. ''John, I- I've had this feeling ever since we decided to go out on a date and it's kind of bothering me.'' He confessed, not looking at John as he spoke. ''You can tell me anything, Sherlock.'' John smiled. ''Well, I- uh, it's just that your feelings for me didn't exist before Mary, you know, passed away. And I can't help but think—'' John stopped walking, forcing the detective to stop as well, and pressed a kiss on his lips, completely surprising him. Sherlock's cheeks reddened as he struggled to get words out of his mouth. ''My feelings for you have always been here, Sherlock. I just always struggled with expressing them, so I hid them and tried to push them away instead.'' He explained. Sherlock smiled and nodded. He was glad to be able to dispose of those painful thoughts. He knew John was speaking the truth.

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