Beautiful Mess

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Requested by jozefienmusic 

Song: Beautiful Mess by Kristian Kostov

I hope you all enjoy this oneshot. It's not really that good, but I truly made an effort to turn these lyrics into a meaningful oneshot. Thank you all so much for nearly 175K and I wish you all a lovely day ♥


When the world shakes us

Trying to take us out of line

Fear of tomorrow

Feelings we borrow for a time

You snuggled closer into Sherlock as he protectively wrapped his arm tighter around you. You shrieked in fear and buried your face in his shirt. His deep chuckle made you glare at him. ''I thought you said you liked horror films, Love,'' He taunted. ''Shut up,'' You mumbled, burying your face in the soft fabric again. He laughed and wrapped his other arm around you as well. Warmth washed over you and your fear melted away. Whenever Sherlock would hold you like that you'd feel safer than ever. His muscular arms would have a tight grip on you and the occasional kiss he pressed on your head would assure you that nothing would be able to hurt you. You had never been in a relationship like that. Other relationships you had been in before Sherlock always focussed on just the romance part of it, and that got boring really quick for you. However, that was not the case with the consulting detective. Your relationship with him was warmer and didn't just focus on romance, although that was an important part of it, you two also paid a lot of attention to the friendship and loyalty aspects of dating someone. Over the few months you had been together, you had built a strong and dependent trust in each other. You weren't just boyfriend and girlfriend, you were also best friends and lifetime companions. Focussing on the other important parts of a relationship instead of just romance made it easier for you to connect and you two had a great time being together no matter where you were. It was just so loving and perfect, and you never wanted it to end. This kind of bond was rare and you were beyond happy to have found the one who you could share that deep of a connection with. It was- to put it in one word; magical.

''Maybe we should opt for a different kind of film in the future,'' Sherlock muttered into your hair, still holding you close. ''No, that's okay. I know you love horror films and I'm really enjoying myself.'' Your voice was muffled by the amount of pressure you used to press yourself against his chest. He laughed. ''You're shaking and not even looking at the screen, Darling!'' 

You sat up and faced the screen while still clinging onto him like you were glued to him. ''See? I'm looking at the screen,'' You said proudly. Right at that moment, the insane psychopath decided to attack the young teenagers out of nowhere, sending you into a fit of high-pitched screams. You jumped up in fright and made a dash for it, leaving Sherlock alone on the sofa as he laughed harder than he ever had before. You curled up into a ball and held your shaking limbs tightly against yourself. ''Sweetheart,'' Sherlock hiccupped, trying to contain his laughter but failing at it. ''You have never seen a horror film before, have you?'' You pouted and shook your head. ''No, and that had a reason. I get scared easily,'' You admitted. He turned the TV off and sat down next to you on the floor behind his chair. His face turned more serious, but the redness was still evident on his cheeks from laughing so much. 

''I think I have some bad news for you then.'' He sighed. ''What do you mean?'' You wondered, confused. ''You won't be able to leave this flat at night. The psychopaths will eat you alive if you do and since you're so scared, it'd be best if you'd just stay here tonight.'' He sighed dramatically. You jumped up, pointing your finger at him. ''I'm not scared to be outside at night!'' You defended. ''Oh, really?'' He questioned, smirking as he, too, stood up. ''Yes, really! And I'll prove it to you! I'm going home, right now!'' You strutted to the door, grabbing your coat from the hook and swiftly pulling it on. ''As you wish,'' He said. ''Do scream if you're scared and I'll come rescue you, my Damsel in Distress.'' He grinned widely at your unamused expression. You took his joke way too seriously and he was enjoying your attempts to prove him you weren't afraid. ''I can handle myself. Good night,'' You huffed.

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