Don't Go

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You were standing in front of the airplane. Sherlock was leaving and he would never return. John and Mary were waiting in the car because you needed a moment alone with him. You were more than in love with him but you never had enough courage to tell him and why tell him now? He was going to leave no matter what you did. Mycroft was awkwardly standing next to you. Finally Sherlock decided to speak and break this awkward silence. ''Since this is likely to be the last conversation I'll have with (Y/N) would you mind if we took a moment?'' He said softly. Mycroft nodded and got inside a black car. ''I can't think of a single thing to say.'' You admitted with tears in your eyes. ''No, neither can I.''Sherlock replied. ''Where are you actually going now?'' You asked, attempting to start a conversation. ''Oh, some undercover work in Eastern Europe.'' He answered. Listen (Y/N) there's something I should say, I-I've meant to say always and then never have. Since it's unlikely we'll ever meet again, I might as well say it now.'' He took a long pause before continuing. ''When we met on that crime scene 5 years ago I felt something that I had never felt before. It took me a very long time, longer than I would like to admit to figure out what it was. I've hurt you in so many ways and yet you always supported me.'' Sherlock closed his eyes as if he was preparing for something big. ''I love you (Y/N). I always have and I always will and I'm so-'' You wrapped your arms around Sherlock's neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. ''I love you too.'' You whispered when you pulled away. Tears were falling from your eyes and Sherlock seemed to have tears in eyes too. ''Don't go Sherlock. Please just stay here, I can't lose you again.''You begged. Sherlock avoided your eyes and shook his head. Before both of you could say anything else, Mycroft returned. ''You have to go now Sherlock.'' He said. Sherlock nodded and met your gaze again. He took off his glove and held his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and you stared in each other's eyes.Sherlock let go of your hand and put his glove back on. ''Goodbye (Y/N).'' He whispered in your ear as he leaned over and kissed your cheek. You couldn't keep it together any longer and fell to the ground, your hands covering your face as you let it all out. Mary got out of the car and rushed over to you. ''Come on (Y/N), let's get you inside of the car.'' She said sweetly. She guided you back to the car and the plane started moving. The plane takes off and you watch as it disappears into the clouds. Mycroft who was sitting in his car now got out and he was talking to someone on the phone. You gave Mary a questioning look and got out of the car. ''That is simply not possible.'' You heard him say.John walked over to Mycroft and you and Mary quickly followed. ''What's happened?'' John asked. ''I need to call Sherlock.'' He said as he dialed his number. ''Hello, little brother. How is the exile going?'' He asked with a smirk on his face. You couldn't hear what Sherlock said. ''Well, I certainly hope you've learned your lesson. As it turns out, you're needed.'' You were just as confused as John and Mary. ''He-he's coming back?'' You asked, tears rolling down your cheeks again. ''But he's dead. I mean, you told me he was dead,Moriarty.'' Mary said with a confused expression on her face. ''Absolutely. He blew his own brains out.'' John replied. ''So how can he be back?'' You asked. ''Well,if he is he'd better wrap up warm. There's an East Wind coming.'' He said as the plane returned and landed. You rushed over to the plane and waited for the stairs to come down. You rushed inside and hugged Sherlock as tightly as you possibly could. ''Miss me?'' Sherlock said with a smirk.    

A/N:  Helloooooo, did you miss me? I wasn't gone for very long or anything but I wanted to say that. I always read the chapter I wrote again and again before publishing it but recently I found out that after I published it weird things were happening. Chapter titles don't save, pictures disappear and all the spaces between the words disappear and I wanted to know if it's just me or if you see that too. I really want to give you good quality and I don't really know if I'm giving you that :(

Please please please let me know if there are any problems with the chapters that I wrote. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day!

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