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''Come on (Y/N)! He's escaping.'' Sherlock shouted as he ran up the stairs. You were chasing a criminal in a flat and you were getting really tired but you kept running. Sherlock was ahead of you and managed to jump on top of the person you were chasing and tackled him to the floor. Lestrade finally reached you and cuffed the criminal and took him away. You and Sherlock were panting, still on the twentieth floor. ''There's no way I'm walking down all those stairs again.'' You said. ''Let's use the lift.'' You took Sherlock's hand in yours and dragged him to the lift and pressed the button next to it. Soon the lift doors opened and you got inside. Sherlock seemed a bit uncomfortable and you press a soft kiss on his cheek. Suddenly the lift stopped moving but the doors didn't open. You pressed the 'open' button multiple times but nothing happened. You pressed the emergency button and now you just had to wait until someone fixed it. ''I guess we'll be stuck in here for a while.'' You said, you sit down on the floor and get comfortable but Sherlock's face became even paler and he started to pound on the doors. ''Sherlock calm down they'll send help soon.'' You said. ''Sherlock?'' You stood up and carefully put your hands on his face and forced him to look at you. His eyes were wide with fear and his breathing quickened. ''Sherlock are you claustrophobic?'' You asked. He was unable to speak but you knew the signs, your grandmother is claustrophobic too. ''Everything will be fine. I promise just sit down.'' You help him to sit down on the floor and he starts to hyperventilate. ''Sherlock listen to me you need to control your breathing.'' You didn't really know how to help him, you never had to deal with this before. You saw how your husband grew even paler and sweat started to drip down his face. Sherlock's body started to shake and you held him tightly against you. ''Deep breaths Sherlock.'' You encouraged. But Sherlock can't seem to get control of his anxiety. His eyes closed and his body went limp. ''Sherlock no. Wake up! Come on stay with me please.'' Your eyes were filled with tears but you wouldn't allow them to fall, you have to stay strong for Sherlock. You hold your husband tightly against you and you can feel his accelerated heartbeat. You stroke his hair and try to wake him up but nothing seems to work. Suddenly the lift starts to move and the doors open. You ran towards the receptionist and beg her to call an ambulance. Within a few minutes the ambulance arrives and they drag the still unconscious consulting detective out of the lift and into the vehicle. You get in it as well and watch how they give your husband oxygen and do some tests. Finally he wakes up and you start to cry. ''I was so worried Sherlock. Why didn't you tell me about this.'' You sobbed. He slowly managed to wrap his weak arm around you and held you close to him. He couldn't speak because of the oxygen mask but you knew what he was trying to say. ''We'll use the stairs next time.'' You said with a small smile. Sherlock closed his eyes again and drifted off to sleep.

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