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Requested by DetectiveCurly 


You lifted the yellow and black tape and entered the crowded crime scene. Police officers were scattered around, looking for clues and questioning the eyewitnesses. You strolled over to Lestrade who was examining the body, your hands in your trench coat's pockets. ''(Y/N)! Finally, you're here.'' He called, greeting you. ''We really need your help on this one.'' You smiled widely and nodded. ''You know I love helping you out on cases, Greg. The office is so boring these days, I need a little legwork from time to time.'' You stated, grinning.

You worked for the British Government himself. Your job wasn't as interesting and thrilling as it used to be. During one of your many missions, you got shot and ended up in the hospital for weeks. Because of your huge intellect, Mycroft refused to let you go and kept you around by giving you an equally important office job. You loved working for Mycroft, he was the smartest person you had ever met and you got along well, but you missed your job out on the field. Your office job was important, that wasn't the problem. It was just that you sat on a chair all day, monitoring and guiding missions from a computer screen. You missed going on those missions yourself and being able to run around and being active, but you simply couldn't do that anymore. That's why you always hoped Lestrade would get stuck on a case so he'd call you and invite you to do some light field work. It wasn't what you used to do, but at least you didn't have to sit on a chair all the time. 

You were one of Mycroft's most prized employees and that was clearly noticeable. Your intellect and deduction skills had blown him away and left a permanent feeling of respect towards you. You didn't see Mycroft often, though, but when you did, it was like you two were family. You had never gotten along with anybody that well. Mycroft felt like an older brother to you. He always made sure you were alright and that you weren't dying of boredom at the office. Sometimes he'd even send you a cupcake if you'd have a long day at the office. To summarise it all, your life, despite all the tough moments you've had, wasn't so bad.

''Well, I'm glad you still like coming here.'' Greg said sincerely. ''So, what do you already know about the victim?'' You questioned, getting to the point why you were here. ''His name is Auden Aldrin, in his early thirties. He's married, but we haven't found the wife yet.'' He explained. ''You think the wife did it?'' You stepped closer to the body and shook your head. ''No, they had a strong and loving marriage. She'll be devastated when she hears the news.'' You muttered. You crouched down next to the body and started examining him. Your eyes scanned the body, searching for any vital clues. There weren't a lot of things that evidently showed who was responsible for the murder of an innocent man. However, you noticed some dead skin cells underneath the victim's fingernails when you inspected them with your magnifying glass. Not finding anything else, you stood back up and faced the DI, smiling slightly. ''There are some dead skin cells underneath the victim's fingernails. They possibly got there when he tried fighting off his assailant. If you look at his knuckles, you can see minor wounds and bruises starting to form which indicates that a struggle took place. I suspect that the victim didn't know the murderer and that this was just a simple robbery gone wrong, judging by the lack of his wallet and phone. Use the DNA from the skin cells and you'll have your killer.'' You finished.

''That was rather impressive.'' A deep voice complemented from behind you. You turned around and had to look up to meet the unfamiliar man's gaze. ''Thank you.'' You said, smiling. ''And who might you be?'' The man asked, his eyes scanning you as he spoke. You allowed your eyes to wander as well and you were able to deduce a few things about him. 

''You're in your early thirties. You have lived alone for the majority of your adult life, but you recently found a flatmate and judging by the way your pupils dilated at the mentioning of said flatmate, you're in love. However, you consider yourself an emotionless human being and I doubt you'll ever act on your feelings.'' You deduced. His eyes widened. He didn't expect you to be able to read him so easily. No one, not even his brother, was able to deduce so much about him in such a short time and the fact that you managed to do it, impressed him.

''Sherlock Holmes.'' He said, reaching out his hand. A smile crept its way onto your face as you heard the very familiar name. ''Sherlock Holmes.'' You repeated, shaking his hand. ''I've heard a lot about you.'' He raised his eyebrow and stared at you questioningly. ''Oh, really?'' He wondered. You let go of his hand and put yours back in your pocket. You turned around, facing Lestrade. ''I should be heading back to the office, Greg. It was a pleasure as always.'' You smiled. 

You started walking away but turned around once more to address your boss' younger brother. ''If you're ever in need of help, you can always stop by my office.'' You stated. A smirk appeared on the detective's face as realisation hit him. ''I suppose I'll have to ask Mycroft for your name then?'' He called after you as you had already started walking away again. You smiled and raised your hand as a goodbye gesture. Turned out, Mycroft Holmes was not the only Holmes brother you enjoyed being around. 

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