Life With Sherlock Holmes

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Requested by tattoo_Larry

I hope you all like it. Normally I would divide a long oneshot like this in two parts but I decided not to this time. I hope this makes up for my absence. Please, let me know what you think of this oneshot. I worked hard on it to make it good and I'm not sure if I managed to do that. I love you all. Thank you so much for your support and for getting me this far. I owe you all the world ♥


You were running from some criminals you tried to arrest on your own. It didn't go well and they ended up chasing you. You were armed, but there was no way you'd be able to defend yourself against five men, so fleeing was the best option. You weren't paying attention to the road. You kept looking behind you to see if the criminals were getting closer. You were in great physical condition and managed to stay far ahead of them. 

You suddenly bumped into someone and fell on top of him. You turned your head and saw the most beautiful blue and green eyes. You scanned his flustered face, trying to deduce him, but you ended up with absolutely nothing. You were unaware of your position. You were completely captivated by this man and the mysterious aura that seemed to be enveloping him wherever he went. You were dragged back to reality and awareness when the man cleared his throat. ''Why are you on top of me?'' His voice was as beautiful as his face and you would've swooned if you weren't already laying on the floor and on top of this handsome stranger. You quickly regained your rationality and scrambled up, helping him up as well. ''I'm so sorry.'' You apologised. ''I was running from... CRAP!'' You looked behind you and saw the men nearing. ''I have to go!'' You pressed a quick kiss on his cheek and ran away without an explanation. 

You weren't thinking when you pecked him on the cheek. You left the man standing alone in the alley, his widened eyes filled with curiosity because he, too, couldn't deduce you. His cheeks were coated with a slight blush. He hadn't been that close to anyone before and it confused him because he didn't mind. After a while of staring into the dark of the night, he decided to go home and attempt to figure you out.

You had received a lecture from Lestrade which lasted hours and hours. You zoned out and went back to your Mind Palace like you were before he interrupted you. You weren't paying attention, but he was probably scolding you for trying to arrest the criminals on your own. You managed to get them arrested in the end, so it was fine, right? You shrugged it off and stood up from your desk to get some coffee. You easily dodged Anderson and headed to the coffee machine. It didn't take long before you were heading back to your desk with a hot cup of coffee in your hand. 

You were deep in thought and weren't paying attention to where you were walking. You had memorised the entirety of Scotland Yard, so you knew exactly where to walk, but you hadn't considered someone standing in your way. 

You felt the hot liquid stain your blouse and you gasped. A deep voice muttered a few curses and you looked up into the same blue and green eyes as a few nights earlier. The man recognised you and his expression softened. ''Hi.'' You said shyly. ''So we meet again.'' The man smirked. You nodded and copied his smirk. ''Sorry for bumping into you... again, and ruining your obviously expensive coat.'' You apologised. The man dazzled you with the look he gave you and your heart started beating faster in your chest, giving you a tense feeling. ''It's quite alright.'' He assured you. ''Here, take my scarf to cover up that stain until you get home.'' He took his navy blue scarf off and handed it to you. ''No, no, no, it's okay. You need it as well.'' You refused. The man rolled his eyes and tied the scarf around your neck, gently touching your skin. You blushed at the sudden contact which he clearly noticed judging by the sudden sparkle in his eyes. 

''I can't keep this.'' You tried again. ''Then you'll just have to return it one day.'' He suggested smoothly. ''What's your name?'' You pulled on the scarf and adjusted it so it covered the coffee stain perfectly. You looked back up at him and managed to keep your sudden and unfamiliar emotions hidden. ''(Y/F/N).'' You answered. The man took a step closer to you and you could feel his minty breath gently hitting your skin. ''Well, (Y/N), I have multiple scarves but that one is kind of my favourite. I wish to have it back as soon as possible.'' He gave you a small and suggestive smile before continuing. ''The name is Sherlock Holmes. The address is 221B Baker Street.'' He leant forward and pressed a kiss on your cheek, like you had done to him when you first met. Your cheeks heated up but Sherlock was gone before he could see it.

It was several days later when you decided to visit Sherlock at the address he gave you. You had returned his scarf and he gratefully accepted. ''Sit down.'' He suggested. You nodded and sat down in a comfy looking red chair. You saw what you thought was a flash of hurt when you sat down, but you decided not to question him about it. ''You need to explain something to me.'' He stated, sitting down in a black, leather chair across from you. You nodded and smiled shyly, not being used to people talking to you this nicely. ''Why can't I deduce a single thing about you? It's like you have this... aura around you that is impossible to penetrate. I can't read you and it frustrates me.'' A smirk plastered itself on your face and you giggled. ''You know, I have the exact same thing when it comes to deducing you. There's something mysterious about you that I can't quite figure out and it's annoying.'' You admitted. Now it was Sherlock's turn to smile. ''I think I might have a way of solving our problem.'' He said. ''Do you really?'' You wondered, raising an eyebrow. ''How would you feel about going out with me tonight? A date if you want to call it that. Let's get to know each other the old-fashioned way.'' He proposed. You blushed a little and nodded. ''I'd love to.''

That date was the first of many and after several weeks of being around each other, you two were officially in a romantic relationship. It was new for the both of you, so things were quite awkward at first, but you were comfortable with each other and that softened it. The quick pecks on the cheeks soon turned into passionate and lingering kisses on the lips and you felt different but happier than you ever had before. You two started spending more and more time together. You solved crimes together, had dinner together at 221B or at a restaurant and texted all the time. You had even spent a couple of nights at his place, but it hadn't gotten any further than just watching crap telly and falling asleep on the couch together, bundled in soft blankets. 

You defined your relationship as perfect and peaceful. It offered you the stability that you had unknowingly craved all your life. Sherlock filled an emptiness deep inside of you and you complemented him perfectly. You balanced each other and you needed nothing more than that. It was more than you could ever hope for and Sherlock felt the exact same way. He had never felt so strongly for someone. His love for you was so strong and so genuine and easy that he decided to do something he had never thought about doing before. After nearly a year of dating, he proposed to you. It was sudden and you two were moving fast, but you couldn't care less. You loved this man with all your heart and soul, so you simply couldn't say no to him.

You had gotten married on Valentine's Day, seven months after being engaged. It was the best day of your life. You couldn't stop yourself from crying as you both said your vows and literally screamed 'I Do'. Even Sherlock had a hard time keeping his emotions in check. But when it came to you, he didn't feel compelled to do that and he, too, started crying as you gazed lovingly at each other. 

Life with Sherlock Holmes wasn't always easy and your relationship wasn't always happy and most certainly not perfect, but you loved each other. And that was all that mattered. He made you happy and you made him happy. You would never spend a single day apart again. For he was all that you needed and you were all he needed. No matter what happened, you always came out stronger than ever because of the way you supported each other. Love is a powerful emotion and it didn't take long before you and Sherlock realised that. You had each other and it would always be like that. Together and not alone.

And that was your life with Sherlock Holmes. 

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