Dance with me John

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John was sitting on his bed and listened to Sherlock playing the violin. He loved when Sherlock was composing, he could literally hear all Sherlock's emotions. Sherlock never showed anyone how he felt, his face was always unreadable. John was desperately in love with the consulting detective but he knew that Sherlock would never return those feelings. The violin music stopped for a second before continuing with a different song. Sherlock didn't compose this one himself. John immediately recognised the song. It was Beauty and The Beast, he and his sister must've seen that movie a million times when they were young. John slowly made his way down the stairs to Sherlock. When John walked in the violin music immediately stopped. Sherlock looked at his blogger with a stern look on his face. ''Don't mind me.'' John said, hoping that Sherlock would continue with his music. He walked over to the kitchen and made him and Sherlock a cup of tea. Sherlock unfortunately put his violin away and sat down in his chair. John handed him his tea and Sherlock took it. ''Why did you stop?'' John asked in between sips. Sherlock shrugged and finished the entire cup of tea in one gulp. ''Would you like me to continue?'' Sherlock asked, he stood up from his sitting position and was standing really close to John. John nearly choked on his tea and nodded as he tried to stop coughing. ''Very well then.'' Sherlock picked up his violin and played the same song as he did when John walked in. John looked at him with amazement. Sherlock's eyes were closed and he was slowly swaying along to the music. Sherlock finished the song and put his violin away again. He walked over to John and pulled him up from his chair. ''Dance with me John.'' He said, his face really close to John's.

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