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Cass trembled in her sleep. She woke up covered in sweat and gasping for air. Sirius stirred slightly. Cass slipped out of the room and down the hall into the bathroom. She splashed her face with some cold water and went back to her room. Sirius opened his eyes. "You okay Cassie?" He whispered. Cass nodded.

"Bad dream." Sirius patted the space beside him and Cass climbed into his bed. Sirius wrapped his arms around her and went back to sleep. Cass slowly relaxed into a deep sleep.

"Cass, Cass wake up. Cass, it's time to get up." Sirius whispered. Cass opened her eyes and jerked awake.

"What time is it?" She muttered, rubbing her eyes. Sirius shrugged. Cass sighed and got dressed into a standard pureblood outfit, and brushed her hair so it sat nicely. Sirius held the door open for her as she passed and they went downstairs together. They sat down at the dining room table and waited for Kreacher to serve breakfast. Breakfast was eaten in a stony silence, the only sounds heard were the occasional cough or sniffle. Finally the meal ended and Orion swept out of the room towards his office. Regulus slipped out after him, getting away from Walburgas wrath. Walburga stood up and slowly walked towards the drawing room, beckoning the twins to come with her. Sirius and Cass exchanged terrified looks but followed her nonetheless. Cass was trembling from head to toe when they entered.

"Was there a reason for making the very foolish decision to stay at Hogwarts over the Christmas Holidays? Even after I specifically told you to get on that train." Walburga asked, her voice dangerously low. Neither of them said anything, Sirius kept his eyes trained on the floor and Cass stared determinedly at her shoes. "Well?" Walburga spat out. The twins didn't reply. Walburga drew herself to her full height. "How dare you! You already brought enough shame on the Black family, getting sorted into Gryffindor of all houses and the you have the audacity to disobey me when I so clearly stated that I wanted you at that damn train station. Was I not clear? Was I not clear? Answer me Cassiopeia! I know it was your idea to stay at school! Narcissa told me! In actual fact, Narcissa told me quite a lot of interesting things. Making friends with filthy mudbloods and blood traitors, bringing shame on the Noble House of Black! So answer the question Cassiopeia! Was I not clear?" Walburga shrieked.

"You were clear." Cass whispered.

"Well then why did you choose to disobey me?" When she didn't get an answer, she lost her temper.

"Crucio!" Walburga screamed. Cass fell to the floor in agony. Sirius closed his eyes, hiding the tears that were threatening to fall. "Get out of my sight Sirius Orion, or they'll be hell to pay!" Walburga hissed in his face, taking the spell off of Cass for a moment. Sirius didn't need to be told twice, he walked briskly out of the room and into his and Cass'. Cass' screams tore through the house for longer than they should have. Sirius lay on his bed, with his pillow over his head, trying to drown out his sisters screams.

When it was finally over, Walburga stormed into Sirius and Cass' room and levitated her chest of drawers and her wardrobe out. Sirius watched in horror as she moved it into a room at the other end of the hall, near Walburgas and Orions. Her bed was levitated next but she just took that downstairs to be disposed off. Walburga slammed Sirius' door closed so he didn't see Cass being taken into her new room. Sirius then picked up all of Cass' other belongings and waited until he heard his mothers footsteps retreating downstairs before taking it through to Cass' room. He knocked gently and when she didn't answer, he just went in. Cass lay in a crumpled mess on the floor, tears running down her cheeks. Her throat was raw from screaming and her dress was ripped in multiple places. Sirius put down the stuff and knelt down beside her. He helped her up onto her bed and moved her hair out of her face. He didn't have to say anything to her for her to know he was sorry. He was sorry that he couldn't stop it and let her take all the blame. They stayed there for hours.


The Christmas holidays went agonisingly slow, but they finally ended. Sirius and Cass were dropped at Kings Cross and left to fend for themselves. Their trunks were still at Hogwarts, them having not bothered to retrieve them after they left. Sirius found them an empty compartment and they sat down. James arrived a few minutes later.

"Sirius! I didn't know you went home for Christmas, I thought you were staying at school." James hugged him.

"Errr, there was a change of plans." Sirius shrugged. Lily walked past their compartment and Cass stood up quickly to get her.

"Lily!" She said. Lily turned around and grinned.

"Hey Cass." Lily said, slipping into the compartment. "I thought you were staying at school."

"Change of plans I guess." Cass said. Marlene and Dorcas found them a few minutes later and the train rode began.

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