Chapter 11 - The Road to Recovery

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Cris' POV

"Día and Rocco, stay right here, understand? I'll be right back with the doctor."
I whispered to Kamea, "I'll be right back." She nodded her head, saying okay.

"Yes, daddy." I left the room and went to the nurse's station.

They moved Tamia up to the same floor the private wing was on. I went over and asked her, "Can you have the doctor paged? Kamea just opened her eyes."

"She did?! I'll page the doctor right away."

I saw Marissa, her boyfriend, Andre, and Kamea's family coming off the elevator, so I told them she had opened her eyes.

"You are all in for a surprise. A few minutes ago, Kamea opened her eyes. I had the doctor paged."

"Oh, thank goodness! Let us go in to see her. Thank you, Cris." Mama Jayde said.

"You're welcome. You can send Día and Rocco out of the room."

"Oh, it's okay. The twins can stay. They are cutie pies."

"Thanks." I waited outside the room.

Jayde's POV

I was so glad to see my baby girl awake. Tears of joy streamed down my face. I went closer to her bed to talk to her. "Hi, sweetheart. Your dad and I are so glad that you are awake. We missed you these past few weeks."

She had a puzzled look on her face that I was not sure what it meant. Doctor Weekly entered the room and was glad to see that she was awake.

"Kamea, we are going to check your vitals and do a little memory test, okay? Nod for yes, and shake your head for no. We are going to check your vitals first."

She nodded her head yes.

After checking Kami's vitals, Doctor Weekly started asking her questions.

"Okay, Kamea, do you know where you are?" She shook her head slowly no.

"Okay. Do you remember what happened to you?" She shook her head slowly no.

"Mama, how about you ask her a few questions?"

"Sure." I walked over and asked her a few questions.

"Sweetheart, do you know who the kids are, sitting in the chair over to the left?" I pointed to Día and Rocco. She glanced over slowly, paused for a minute, then shook her head no.

Then, I asked her, "In the chair next to the twins, do you know who that is?" I pointed to Kalani. Once again, she paused for a minute, then shook her head no. The doctor was taking notes while I asked these questions.

"One more, sweetheart. Do you remember who I am?" She paused for a minute, but she shook her head no. It made me sad that she could not remember.

"Just as I feared. How about we bring in the young man I saw standing outside."

I walked out of the room and asked Cris to come.

We both walked closer to her bed, and I asked her the same question. "Kami baby, does Cris look familiar to you?" She paused and thought long and hard. I hoped she would say yes, but she shook her head no. I looked at Cris and could tell he was just as heartbroken as we were.

"Because of the head trauma she suffered, Kamea has amnesia. Treatment for amnesia focuses on techniques and strategies to help make up for the memory problem and address any underlying diseases causing the amnesia. Talk with her about events in her childhood. Show her pictures of family and places she has been to. And, with Kamea having Diabetes and Asthma, she will need reminders to take her insulin and to use her inhaler. Now, you are her boyfriend, correct?"

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