Chapter 68 - Uh-Oh Part 1

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Saturday, March 6th, 2021

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Saturday, March 6th, 2021

Kam's POV

Time sure is flying by fast. I still have moments or flashbacks, but my family is always there for me.

I talk to my girls every day. Bliss and Shane come by the house often to check on me and spend time with us.

Tatianna, Sophia, and Janiyah have even come down for a visit. And, our friendship has really grown.

Cris has not touched a glass of wine since he came out of the hospital. I'm extremely proud of him.

And, let's not forget Gabriella and Angelo. Surprisingly, they are not kickers like Isabella and Kekoa. I do feel more tired, but that's it. I am now 5 months and a waddler.

We are on our way to Cali. Since Día and Rocco have their Spring Break, we are going to San Diego to visit Tatianna and Niko. Then, we are going to take the kids to see their grandparents. Everyone is excited. Niko and Tati are both driving to pick us up at the airport. We will be in Cali for two weeks.

Kekoa and Isabella are asleep. Día, Rocco, and Devin are coloring. It's amazing because not once have they argued or fought with each other. I love them all very much.

My kids are world travelers. We are going to Barbados for Bliss and Shane's wedding. Then, after Gabriella and Angelo are born, we are taking them to Italy to see Cris' grandparents.

"Cris and Kamea, we are ready to land. Let me know when everyone is buckled up," Cris' flight attendant tells us.

"Día, Rocco, and Devin, time to put your seatbelts on." Cris and I went to get Kekoa and Isabella from the bedroom.

They had their eyes open when we entered the room. Both of them stood up on the bed with their arms out.

"Mama," Isabella said to me as I picked her up. I had to put her on my hip because my belly is out there.

"Dada," Kekoa said as Cris' picked him up.

We then went to buckle up.

"We are buckled up," Cris said to his flight attendant.

"Ready to visit with your Nonno and Nonna, kids?"

They all said, "Yay!"

The plane landed within 20 minutes. Then out the window, we saw two SUVs pulling up to the plane.

Cris and Kekoa went to thank the pilot.

"Let's get off the plane. And, remember to hold each other's hands."

"Okay, mommy."

It was Rocco, Día, and Devin in that order and we walked off the plane.

Niko and Tati were standing outside of their SUV.

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