Chapter 48 - Baby Shower #2 Part 1

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Kam's POV

We arrived back in Florida safely after spending the past couple of weeks watching Braelyn while Layla and Ryan were on their honeymoon. I promised Layla I would call. So, I did.

"Hey, mama, we made it back to Florida."

"I am glad you all made it back safe. Thanks for calling."

"You're welcome. Are you coming with Braelyn in November?"

"I think I will. I am starting to really like Florida."

"Can't wait to see you."

"Me too. Braelyn said to tell you hi, and she is blowing you a kiss."

"Aww, hi, sweetie. And I am blowing her a kiss back. Talk to you later, Layla."

"Talk to ya later, Kam." Then, I hung up the phone.

I turned around to see that everyone was off the plane except for me.

"Everyone is already in the trucks."

"Okay. I need help getting up."

Cris grabbed my hands and pulled me up out of the seat. Then, we walked off the plane to my Escalade.


One month later

It is now the 3rd week of November. Today is the day of our maternity photoshoot that Marco scheduled for us.

Thank goodness it is later this evening. I feel increasingly tired now that I have exactly one more month to go, and my babies will be born. And I waddle slower than before. I hope this maternity shoot is not long.

Thank goodness there was a bench in our shower because my back was hurting.

"Kamea, are you okay in there?" Cris came into the bathroom to check on me.

"No. My back is killing me. And it feels like the twins are wrestling in my stomach."

Cris turned off the water. Then, he grabbed a towel.

"Here, dry yourself off, and I will go grab your robe."

I slowly stood up and dried myself off. Cris even brought me some underwear to put on and helped me with it.

"Thanks, handsome."

"You're welcome. The photo shoot is not until later, so lay down and get some rest. I will give you a massage first."

"Okay." I went to lay on our bed, on my side. Cris worked his magic on my back.

"Oh, my goodness, that feels great. And they even stopped their wrestling match in my belly."

Cris' POV

"You're welcome." Within 5 minutes, Kamea was out like a light. I went to check on my emails from the winery and both clubs. I found the perfect locale for another club here in Miami. The grand opening will be in February.

Kamea doesn't know it, but we are going to have another baby shower for her this weekend. Layla, Braelyn, Ryan, Sean, and Austin are coming, not just for a visit, but to surprise her for the party. Ryan and Marco are the brave souls to keep Layla and Kamea out of the house while we decorate.

Though Layla is only three months pregnant, this shower is for her too. We didn't buy anything gender-specific, though. Layla and Ryan find out in December what they are having.

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