Chapter 24 - Drama Drama Drama

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Cris' POV

As I stood there talking to Marco, Jake, Kalani, and my father, I started to scan the party and see how everyone was talking and laughing - having a great time amongst the family. I saw Kamea and the kids talking to Mama Jayde. She was pinching their cheeks and gave them hugs and kisses.

"They are definitely going to be spoiled."

I couldn't help but think and smile. I just stared at how beautiful, radiant, and loving Kamea was, especially with Dia and Rocco. She must have sensed that I was staring because she looked up and blew a kiss my way. I pretended like I was grabbing it and placed my hands up to my cheeks to place her kiss. I had no idea what the guys were talking about because I was so mesmerized by my beautiful wife and children.

"So, what are we going to do about those messages she received? Those messages were very vulgar," Kalani said.

"I am tempted to fly back to the Virgin Islands and break his neck."

"We can't have you doing that. Kamea, Dia, and Rocco need you to be there for them," my father said.

"Well, what can I do? Earlier today, when Kamea snapped, you didn't see the hurt in her eyes. I want to wipe the hurt away from her. The first day we came home, she had a really bad nightmare that Chase succeeded in attacking her. I don't want her living in fear."

"And knowing Chase, he is probably trying to find a way to get himself out of jail," Marco proclaimed.

Kalani asked, "Does he know where you live?"

I sighed before answering his question. "Unfortunately, Chase does. We were going to look for a bigger house, planning for future children. So, I will take Kamea this week to look at some houses."

"The sooner you do that, the better," Jake mentioned.

I decided to change the conversation. "Hey, Marco, how did your date with Noeli go last weekend? "

Kalani asked, "Date?"

Marco's POV

I knew what Cris was trying to do. But, unlike him, I am not nervous. I am a Supermodel, after all, and that requires confidence in yourself.

"Yes, sir. Noeli and I went out on a date in the Virgin Islands last week, and we had a good time."

I knew what was coming next, so I was ready.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Kalani asked me with a stern look on his face.

So, I poked my chest out and answered his question with ease. "Kalani, my intentions with Noelani is to date first, then marriage. I know it has only been a week, but I really like her and can definitely see a future with her. She is sweet, beautiful, and caring, just like Kam. I see how much my brother loves Kam, so I want to experience that one day with Noeli."

Cris looked at me with his mouth wide open.

"I don't know why you were so nervous, big bro. Kalani is just looking out for his daughters. I'm sure you're going to do the same thing when Dia starts dating."

Everybody started laughing.

"Thank goodness that time is nowhere near."

Speaking of Día, she came over. "Goodnight, daddy."

Cris picked up Día and kissed her on her cheek. "Good night, baby girl."

Día then ran over to Kamea, who was standing with Rocco, and they went into the house. The ladies then came and joined the conversation. And, when Kamea came back, she stood by Cris.

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