Dick Grayson|| I'm so sorry

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Dick: 14
Y/N: 14
Y/n - your name
F/c - favorite color
L/n - last name
Warnings: none

You got out of your mother's car and stared at the block of flats infront of you. You frowned.  "That's where we live now?" You raised a brow looking at your mother. She sighed before forcing a smile. "Yes sweetie. Now help me with the stuff." You sighed walking behind the car and taking one of the boxes from the trunk. "I don't get it... why did we have to move? You had a good workplace in New York!" Your mother glanced at you before walking up to the door you running after her. "This offer was just too good to miss. I'm sorry for making you go through this but you have to get used to the new environment" you were quiet for a minute before nodding with a smile.

Once you stepped into your new room you were in awe. This place looked like crap from the outside but from the inside it was the best flat you've ever lived in before.

You put your bag on the queen sized bed and looked around your room. The walls were pastel pink and window was pretty big with a ledge to sit on. Your mother already got you a desk for working and doing makeup. She also got you a wardrobe which was surprisingly big.

You had a nightstand next to your bed, which was on the one corner of your room. On the nightstand there was a picture of you, your mother and father and a little reading lamp. Next to the wardrobe there was a mirror where you could see your whole reflection. You sighed and sat on your bed.

After a while of just sitting on the bed you walked downstairs to get something to eat.

Your mother noticed you and smiled widely. "Perfect timing! The pizza just came" with a relieved sigh you went to sit down on one of the chairs around the table. "Oh I talked to your new principal on the phone and he said that you can have another week to get used to the city"

You bit your lip slightly and took a slice of the pizza. "Do I really have to change schools? I don't have any friends..." your mother looked at you with sympathy taking a sip of her coke before speaking. "I'm sure you'll get friends quickly! Now eat up so we can go on a city tour"

Time skip to next week

You woke up to your mother bursting into your room. "Wake up (Y/N), your school starts in an hour" she said before exiting the room. You stood up and went to eat breakfast. "Do I have to~!?" You whined making your mother sigh. "You'll be fine! Now cmon you need to get ready."

After eating you went to put on your makeup and school uniform since you needed one. You looked at your self from the mirror your curly/wavy/straight hair up in a ponytail/bun and a f/c tie around your neck. You walked out of your room. "You look great! I'm sure everyone will love you!" She winked. You chuckled nervously.

Another time skip

You looked at your schedule and school map confused, trying to figure out where to go. After talking to the principal he gave you the map so you'd find your own way to your classes.

You were so focused on the map, that you didn't see the boy running to your way, which caused you to pump into him and falling harshly on the ground. "Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you I wasn't looking where I-" the guy started rambling and you looked up at him and got lost into his beautiful blue eyes.

After a minute you realized he was still apologizing so you cut him off "It's fine. It was my fault also since I was so focused on that stupid map" you smiled warmly and got up from the ground. "Wait... are you the new girl?" He asked after handing you your map and schedule back. "Yeah I guess I am... I'm Y/n L/n" you said and offered him a hand to shake. "Richard Grayson but everyone calls me Dick" he said with a smile on his face shaking your hand. "People are really cruel then" you joked and he laughed "you're funny, I like it.  You need help with getting to your class?" He asked "yes please" You answered and he took the schedule and started to guide you towards your class.

Rest of the day was spent by you two talking with each other and getting to know better. In only couple days you became good friends and never left each other's side. Who would have guessed you'd make that great friend on your first day especially when he ran into you.

Maybe parents aren't always wrong after all.

So that's it guys my first one shot. What did ya think?

Edit: I'm trying to keep all the stories about same as when I first wrote them just a bit better lol.
I used to make many mistakes and the stories just did not make any sense so I need to fix them a little

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