BatBoys|| Group Chatsss

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DickWing has created a croup chat
DickWing added Jaybird, Timbo, little D and (y/n)

DickWing: sup guys?!

Jaybird: ..
Jaybird: why the fuck is your name DickWing?

Timbo: and why is (y/n) only one who has their real name and not a nickname?

DickWing: because I like it :)) and because (y/n) would kill me if I used a nickname I made up

Jaybird: why what's the nickname?

(Y/n): None of your business Jaybird

Jaybird: oh cmoon!!

(Y/n): you know DickWing is the most stupid name I've ever heard... no offense

DickWing: wow thanks guys... little D you like the name right?

Little D: tt. No.

Tim: lol

DickWing: RUDE!!
DickWing: Imma leave this stupid group.

(Y/n): ...
(Y/n) Dick dear you created this

DickWing: and I regret it. You guys can be so mean sometimes! Good bye! *slams the door*

DickWing left the group chat

(Y/n): ..did he just say "slams the door?"

Timbo: yup.

Jaybird: what an idiot

Little D: you all are

(Y/n): wow thanks dude... and I gave you my scrunchie...

Jaybird: WAAAAIT!!
Jaybird: You gave him your scrunchie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Timbo: aaaw that's cute. You could better tho. But still cute

(Y/n): shut up it's not like that!!

Jaybird: yeeeeaaah right

Timbo:  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

(Y/n): oh my god I hate you guys!!

(Y/n) left the group chat

Jaybird: so Demon spawn..
Jaybird: you got her scrunchie?

Timbo: ;)

Little D: I'm gonna end you two.

Little D left the group chat

Jaybird: ooh I'm so scared ◔_◔

Timbo: lol

Jaybird: want to go get ice cream?

Timbo: coffee. But we can get ice cream too

Jaybird: deal.
Jaybird: so you still have my scrunchie right?

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