Dick Grayson|| Birthday

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Dick: 22
Y/n: 21
(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
(F/n) friend's name
Warnings: nope
Summary: it's (y/n)'s birthday and her friends and boyfriend are there to make her a great birthday.
Requested: yuppp

You woke up to your alarm with a groan. You looked at the time. 6.30 am. on Saturday. 'Why do we need to make up the missing hours on Saturday?...'

You stood up with a yawn and walked in the kitchen. Since it was saturday your parents were in New York filming a movie. You made a quick breakfast and then went to change and put on a bit of makeup.

You took your backpack and went to wait for the bus. The bus ride wasn't that long yet still, you almost fell asleep.

The first class started at 8.30 and you were late. You tried to sneak into the classroom silently. Yeah, tried. "Good for you to finally show up too (l/n)." the teacher said. You chuckled and went to sit next to your friend (f/n).

She laughed and you glared daggers at her. "Missed the bus again?" "No, I just walked too slow" "idiot" (f/n) chuckled

When the class ended you walked towards (f/n)'s dorm room to get something she needs to show you. "Just tell me what is it" (f/n) shook her head. "Not until you see it yourself." you rolled your eyes.

She ran into her room and came out with a tiny box. She handed you the box. "Happy birthday (n/n)" you smiled and took the tiny box. "Thank you" you hugged her then began to open the box.

Once you got it open it revealed a beautiful necklace with your name on it. "This is so beautiful thank you!" you hugged (f/n) again and she chuckled while hugging you back.  "no problem girl"

She helped you to put on the necklace. You looked at it and smiled.

You then got a notification so you took your phone from the pocket.

As you noticed the name you immediately smiled. "Prince in shining armor eh?" You ignored (f/n)'s comment and read the message.

Bird Boy: Happy birthday, Love!!
Bird Boy: I would've texted you before you woke up but I was sleeping sooo...

You: Thanks, babe <3 lol

Bird Boy: I have a surprise for you. So after school go straight home into the kitchen :)))

You: should I be scared?

Bird Boy: No silly! You should be excited!
Bird Boy: but I gotta go. I have a perfect plan to make. I love you!

You: aaaw! I love you, too <3

You smiled and looked up from your phone. (F/n) was smirking like an idiot. "He has surprise for you?" "Yup" "aaw... now let's go"

Time skip

After your school ended you walked home since you missed your bus.

You went into the kitchen and noticed a cake on the table. You smiled and walked closer.

There was a note next to the cake.

Yummy cake to my yummy girlfriend. Go in your room after eating there's more surprises :))

-Your one and only Dick Grayson <3

You laughed as you read the note. 'I really hope Dick didn't bake that himself...' you flipped the note to see it there was anything else.
There was.

Ps. Yes I baked the cake myself. No, not alone. Your mother helped me

You sighed relieved and smiled. You tasted the cake and it was delicious.

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