Dick Grayson|| Brownies

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You were sitting on a barstool over the kitchen isle drinking coffee and going through instagram.

Jason walked in and straight to the fridge. He took out one of the Dick's brownies and began to eat it.

"You better not eat those. They're Dick's" you said. "Like I care" Jason said and took the whole plate.

You was going to say something but Jason ran off when he heard Dick.

You rolled your eyes and looked at your phone again.

Not even minute later Dick walked in the kitchen and went to the fridge.

"What?! Who ate all my brownies?!" Dick asked and closed the fridge. "Those were my brownies.. I'm gonna punish whoever did it! Very badly!" He said.

You couldn't help but smirk and quickly put the phone away.

"I did. I ate them so you better punish me, daddy" you said. Dick looked at you with a raised brow. "You don't even like brownies" he said and you mentally rolled your eyes. "Yeah. I don't" you said and bit your lip.

Dick's eyes widened a bit and his eyes turned darker.

He took your hand and started walking towards his room. You saw Jason on your way and you smirked.

"You're welcome!" Jason yelled before Dick closed the door of his room.

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