Dick Grayson/Jason Todd || Best Person

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Dick: 25
Y/n: 24
Jason: 22
Y/n - your name
N/n - nickname
Warnings: nahh
Summary: reader has been crushing on Dick for more than ten years now and due being too late they have to watch him get married to another woman. At the wedding Dick's brother Jason comes to comfort them
A/n: pronounced will make second part maybe... (also too lazy to put a pic for y'all)

You ran out of the classroom hoping that he'd still be there. This is your chance telling him how you feel and you're not going to screw this up.

You got outside and looked around the school campus once you noticed him a smile formed on your face. It was soon gone when you noticed him with someone. Barbara.

You hid behind a wall and watched as the two talked. 'Maybe they're just friends-' and then your world collapsed. He kissed her.

You covered your mouth and leaned on the wall completely broken. You had one chance and you missed it.

That was years ago. Now you're happily... single waiting for your best friend to come out of the fitting room.

A groan escaped from your lips. "Dick get your ass out of there! We have more places to go!" You heard Dick sigh before he walked out. You smiled as you saw the suit he was wearing. "You look hand-... don't you know hot to fucking tie a tie!?" Dick's eyes widened a little and he looked down. He chuckled and looked up while scratching the back of his head.

You sighed and stepped forward. "You live with Bruce Wayne goddamnit!" You pulled him down by his tie and started to fix it. "Hey, chill out, N/n. You're worrying more about this wedding than me!" You send him a tiny glare which soon turned into a smile. "I know I'm sorry. But my best friend is getting married! To an amazing girl, I can't have you mess this up!"

Dick laughed and you let go of his tie. "There" you patted his chest. "Next is..." you looked at the schedule on your phone. "Cake! Oh this is my favorite part. Go change Barbara is going to be here soon and you can't see her in the dress before marriage. It's bad luck" you started to push him back in the fitting room.

"Yo, N/n! Look at this hat!" You sighed and opened the fitting room door. "I told you we don't have ti- oh it is nice" you looked at the black hat he was wearing. "I know right!" He smiled. You shook your head with a laugh. "I got you a one too!" He took a way too big hat for your head and put it on your head.

You laughed and lifted it up a little. "Too bad I can't see" you looked down and raised a brow. "Have you gotten fatter?" Dick gasped and put his hands on his waist. "No. I've gotten sexier" you laughed and threw the hat at him. "Just change your clothes will ya?"

"I take that as a yes you have!"

The bell rang which meant that someone walked in. You looked towards the door and noticed Barbara. She noticed you too and you went to hug her. "Hi, B" she pulled away and looked at you with a frown you just laughed and waved your hand. "Yeah yeah don't call me B" she smiled and looked around. "Have you seen my dress anywhere?" You raised a brow. "You can't try it yet. Dick is still in here and I don't want any bad luck to your wedding."

Barbara smiled. "Aaw it's so sweet how you care so much" you snorted. "Of course I do! You and Dick are one of my closest friends! I love both of you and I can't wait for you to take Dick away from this city" you both laughed.

"I'm offended" Dick said from behind you. You just smirked as you looked at him. You took a step backwards and watched as Barbara kissed his fiancé. "Yup... still gross" you mumbled and looked at your phone.

You almost screamed when you realized how much the time was. "DICK! We're going to be late. We're going to miss the only reason why I came with you today!" Dick looked at you offended. "You care about cake more than me?!" Barbara laughed and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you soon, honey" you gagged and walked out of the shop. "I'm going without you!"

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