BatBoys || Sick

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Y/n: 15
Damian: 13
Tim: 16
Dick: 24
Jason: 22
Y/n - your name(wooow like no one knows..)
L/n - last name
Warnings: Nah
Summary: y/n tries to convince that they aren't sick but nobody buys it.
Art credits: I couldn't find the artist )):  


You ran in the cave wearing your hero costume. "I'm here!" You stopped walking when you began coughing like crazy. When you stopped you smiled as nothing had happened. "So what are we against today?" Everyone looked at you somewhat worried. "Are you sure you can come today?" Tim asked. "Yeah! I just coughed. Nothing deadly"

Alfred put a hand on your forehead but you pushed it away. "Stop. I don't have a fever. I never get sick. Now let's go!" You went to your motorcycle and turned on the engine. Dick looked at Tim. "Don't leave them out of your sight" Tim nodded.

You groaned when you took off the helmet. You threw the helmet somewhere in the cave and sneezed. Tim put a hand on your forehead. "You should go rest" you rolled your eyes. "Nah bro I-" a cough stopped your sentence. Tim watched you coughing your lungs out with a raised brow. After you stopped coughing he glared at you "Go rest." You rolled your eyes. "Fine. But only because I'm tired!"

You walked towards your room mumbling curse words under your breath.

Once you got in your room you immediately fell on your bed and it didn't take you long to pass out.

Dick was eating cereal once again in the kitchen while everyone was still sleeping. To his surprise, Jason walked into the kitchen first. "Woah. Who are you and what have you done to Jason?" Jason rolled his eyes and sat down on a barstool. "Fuck off." Dick chuckled and kept eating his cereal.

Not long after that Damian walked in the room and got an apple. "L/n is still sleeping," Jason smirked. "I'll go wake her" Dick dropped his spoon. "No! They're sick let them sleep." Jason rolled his eyes. "Okay boomer..." Dick gasped. "That's the worst thing you can call me... I'm very offended!" Damian raised a brow. "You do realize that people call you 'dick' every day?" Dick looked at him confused. "Yeah?..." Damian shook his head and walked out of the room with a sigh.

You opened your eyes and yawned. You sat up and coughed but your throat wasn't having it at all. "Ow..." you said in a barely audible voice. 

You sighed and laid back on the mattress. "I'm not sick." You mumbled then stood up. The room was spinning a little but you tried to ignore it and changed before walking downstairs. 

First thing you saw was Dick eating cereal. Again. And Jason basically sleeping on the table.

You sat down and dropped your head on the table like Jason. Jason looked up. "Oh look the princess is up" you sighed. "S-.. shut up.," you said. Dick frowned as he looked at you. "Is your throat aching?" You nodded not wanting to talk.  "Okay, that's it." You looked up confused. Dick picked you up which made you yelp. "Dude... let me go"

He ignored you and walked towards your room. You hit his shoulder but it was like a poke since your energy level was pretty much zero. "You're sick and going to rest. No but's."

He finally got into your room and finally, let go of you. You sat on your bed glaring at Dick. "I have stuff to do..." he raised a brow and gave you a worse glare back. "O-okay... I'll stay here..." you looked down. Dick sighed put a hand on your shoulder. "We just want the best for you. Try to relax and get better. I'll go get Alfred" he ruffled your hair with a smile and left the room. 


When Alfred came to check on you he immediately told you that you were sick. He also told everyone to not let you leave the room. So for the whole day, everyone has treated you like a baby. Which may be a nice thing to someone but not to you. You didn't like that. Hell, even Damian was being nice to you!

You sighed for the millionth time and closed Netflix. There's no good shows nor movies. Your eyes scanned the silent room. The most boring day you've ever had.

A knock was heard so you sat up. "Yeah?" The door opened and Tim's head popped up. "Sup y/n" you smiled. "Hi Timmy" He walked in the room and closed the door behind him. "I heard you finally decided to relax" you rolled your eyes. "Wouldn't call this relaxing. I-" a sneeze interrupted your sentence. You groaned. "As I was saying... I'm bored. It's not relaxing"

Tim chuckled and sat on your bed next to you. "Plus my favourite brother hasn't been around at all today so I'm not having fun." You crossed your arms. Tim raised a brow with a smirk. "I'm your favourite brother?" You rolled your eyes and punched him. "Duh why else wou-" another sneeze. "Yes. You are" Tim was about to say something but stopped when you began coughing like crazy.

He laughed a little and took the water bottle from your nightstand and handed it to you. You mumbled a quick thanks and drank the whole shit.

You sighed and looked at Tim with a very depressing look. He put a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry that I haven't been around today. I was busy solving a new case. It's not going that well so far" you nodded and laid down.

Tim did the same and took the remote. "So, want to continue Modern Family?" You raised a brow and looked at Tim. "Aren't you busy?" He smiled and turned on the tv. "Never too busy for my favourite sibling" you smiled. "Well then. Let's finish the stupid show!... ow.." you put your hand around your throat for a second.

Tim shook his head and put on Modern Family.

Not long into the episode, Dick walked in the room. "Can I join you guys?" You smiled and patted the spot next to you. "Of course you can"   Dick smiled and jumped next to you. "Jason and Damian will be here soon too." You frowned. "Don't any of you have patrol?" Dick shook his head. "Nope" you nodded somewhat confused but happy that you can spend time with your brothers.

After ten minutes Jason came in the room too and jumped on Tim just to annoy the living shit out of him. Damian appeared in the room too at some point and Dick pretty much forced him to cuddle with him which was kinda cute.

Rest of the evening was spent by watching Modern Family and goofing around with the greatest brothers ever.


Me: *publishes a story then disappears for few weeks*
Also, me: *comes back with a new really short story hoping that you guys won't hate me*

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